May 4th rules: from the mandatory mask to the walks


May 3, 2020 – 7:25 am

The dpcm of April 26 will take effect tomorrow, which should restart a good part of production and industrial activities. This is what will change in practice.

of Alessandro Trocino

After two months of total closure, isolation at home, the Prime Minister’s Decree of April 26 comes into effect on Monday, which should restart a good part of production and industrial activities. But also a day awaited and especially by the citizens, who placed high hopes on a relaxation of the prohibitions. In fact, some measures have been taken, but strong interpretative doubts remain on many issues. The government has chosen a way of not completely trusting citizens, maintaining a dense framework of rules, often ambiguous and complex in interpretation, compounded by the presence of additional specifications in the regions. Walking, seeing friends, picking up food, attending a church service, moving to the second home, meet friends: all normal activities, until a few months ago, prohibited until recently, and now readmitted, but with many limits and rules that must be respected. However, the reopening of many economic activities will force us to move around the city and it is foreseeable that there will be many difficulties in the means of transport and that many will resort to the automobile, which will cause an increase in traffic and pollution. Drastic and powerful measures would be needed to encourage alternative transportation, with adequate incentives for bikes, bicycles, and electric scooters. But even here, we continue in random order.

May 3, 2020 | 07:25

