It will be Amber, for the third consecutive year, at the helm of the Concertone del Primo Maggio in Rome, that this year is moving, due to restrictions due to the coronavirus, on television with a live concert in the early afternoon on Rai3, from 20 to 24, and simultaneously on Radio2 (with the direction of Gino Castaldo and Ema Stokholma ).
The event, promoted by CGIL, CISL and UIL, will be hosted by Ambra from the Teatro delle Vittorie in Rome, with live performances from the Auditorium Musica per Roma and other Italian venues chosen by the artists.
In the cast Gianna Nannini, Vasco Rossi, Zucchero. And then Aiello, Alex Britti, Bugo and Nicola Savino, Cristiano Godano dei Marlene Kuntz, Dardust, Edoardo and Eugenio Bennato, Ermal Meta, Fabrizio Moro, Fasma, Francesca Michielin, Francesco Gabbani, Fulminacci, Irene Grandi, Le Vibrazioni, Leo Gassmann, The welfare state, Margherita Vicario, Niccolò Fabi, Noemí, Orquesta Accademia di Santa Cecilia, Paola Turci, Rocco Papaleo and Tosca. Sting also joins the musical cast de la Concertone, in a version of a television program due to coronavirus, acting from his studio in London. And there will also be the contribution of Patti Smith
Special Music for Italy: Work Safely – To Build the Future will air on RaiPlay and will also have a dedicated Sign Language (Lis) channel for deaf people.