Maxi 6×3 posters scattered around the city with a half-length giant by Matteo Salvini, a blue jacket and white shirt, and the main Roman monuments in the background. Here the billboards that officially inaugurate the electoral campaign of the League in Rome appear in the streets of the capital. The goal, as we know, is the municipal elections next spring. Salvini in front of the dome of San Pietro, Salvini in front of the Colosseum, Salvini in front of Piazza Venezia, the hashtag #Romatornacapitale, and four macro-themes that differentiate the many types of posters that appeared in these hours.
There is the one entitled “Rome cleaner city”, with the environmental theme and the reference to a mantra of the Northern League to solve the problem of waste: “conversion of waste into energy”. There is “Rome city of sport”, with the reference to the stadium of Rome, to be built, and the great works to be completed. Then you can not miss the manifesto on security: “Rome safer city”, with the cessation of illegal activities, closure of Roma camps, supply of tasers to the local police, and finally a “more efficient Rome” with works in the metro C, Urban regeneration, maintenance of the most important roads.
A mini electoral program summarized in a few lines, for all the Romans who stop at traffic lights, in the middle of traffic, or who simply walk through the streets of the city. The League is strongly committed to the capital and the mega cartels are a clear example of this. Also here, as on the left, the name of the mayoral candidate is missing. Who will compete on Capitol Hill remains a big question mark. And above all a question to settle with who will be the allies of the coalition.
Brothers from Italy in the lead, growing in polls at the national level and having always been based in Rome and Lazio. “Certainly some billboards are not enough to claim the mayoral candidate’s name.” comments the leader of the Italian Brothers group in the Campidoglio Andrea De Priamo. “They are just a sign of Salvini’s interest in Rome” the advisor interrupts.
What political force will the candidate express? “We have several names that could potentially run for the Capitol.” De Priamo continues. And on the Melonian side, Fabio Rampelli, party leader, vice president of the Chamber, has been doing it for a long time. On the north side, Salvini has repeatedly declared the perfect profile: a civic candidate who also and above all addresses the middle class and the business world.
Everything on the chess board of nominations, however, will have to deal with the upcoming regional teams in Lazio. If Governor Zingaretti completes the mandate or, as the rumors have been repeating for some time, for the demsecretary a place in the Conte government is at stake sooner or later with an anticipated end of the council, both the heavier parties of the coalition, Lega and FdI, will aim strongly, here, to express the candidate for the presidency, it is easier for the Capitol to reach an agreement without too much tension.
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However, any decision is postponed with certainty until after the regional elections on September 20 and what the possible consequences could be on the balance of the M5s-Pd government at the national level. In the meantime, however, the electoral campaign gets under way. “This is just the first in a series of initiatives that we will launch in the city” explains the leader of the Lega group at the Campidoglio Maurizio Politi. “Rome is fundamental for the League. This is demonstrated by the hundreds of interviews that Salvini himself is conducting on the field. We have teams and programs”. Only the candidate is missing.