Maturity 2020: CSPI has expressed its opinion on the document sent by the Ministry and regarding the examination of classes V there is no lack of critical questions.
The CSPI speaks of a “strict, detailed and prescriptive national security protocol to guarantee the health of all the personnel involved”
If the protocol does not meet these characteristics or it is not possible to apply the requirements, it is necessary to establish “that the high school exams be conducted remotely.”
Therefore, the CSPI also urges the Ministry to develop a national protocol “on a test basis”.
For its part, the Ministry has announced that the security protocol for state examinations of the second cycle “is practically ready and will be announced shortly.”
“These are clear and enforceable rules that will protect students and teachers,” says the ministry, a package of measures that “also take into account the union requests that have been found in recent days.”
Therefore, we hope to read the protocol to judge its content. It is understood that everything is also conditioned by the epidemiological trend and that different situations may occur in the territories.