It is not a malfunction of the immune system, but a condition determined by a protein capable of causing discoloration of the skin and generating those spots on the face and body that are the stigma of the disease. Thanks to an experiment carried out on laboratory mice, the long-awaited proof of the true causes of vitiligo has finally arrived: a discovery of international importance, which opens up new scenarios for possible treatments and bears the signature of a young doctor from Bassano. Matteo Bordignon, a specialist in dermatology and venereology and a doctor in biomedicine and immunology, is the coordinator of the multidisciplinary team at the University of Padua that managed to demonstrate, for the first time, the responsibility of the Mia protein (melanoma inhibitory activity). in the development of this disease. At the age of forty-one, a former student of Brocchi Secondary School, the specialist has long been known in scientific circles for his contribution to vitiligo research and has an outstanding curriculum, which will now be reinforced by a result destined to revolutionize the clinical approach. to a skin disease suffered by around one hundred million people around the world and for which there are currently no truly effective therapies.