Matteo Salvini’s strange electoral tour – La Stampa


BRESCIA. Yesterday afternoon, the leader of the Lega, Matteo Salvini, participated in an electoral tour in Roncadelle, province of Brescia. Among the people he met for the usual photographs was Massimiliano “Chicco” Baldassari, one of the historical ultrà leaders of Brescia Calcio and known for his obvious far-right positions. A boxer physique covered with several not reassuring tattoos, Baldassari, who two years ago was a candidate in the administrative elections of Brescia with the Social Action and Forza Nuova list, only recently participated in the ultrà event on June 6 in Rome conceived by Brigada Leonessa and other neo-fascist sympathizers from all over Italy.

Yesterday’s shot was released by Baldassari himself on his respective Facebook profile, where there are also outbursts of insults and attacks against asylum seekers, defenders of the Black Live Matter movement, journalists and politicians. For example, the minister for agricultural policies, Teresa Bellanova, is particularly targeted. The updates also include phrases praising fascism, Roman greetings and even a video of offenses reserved for Pope Francis.

On August 1, always on his profile, he had posted a selfie with Benito Mussolini’s mask, attaching a disturbing: “Come back uncle.”

Salvini, before going to Roncadelle to support the center-right candidates, had been in Rovato, also in the province of Brescia, where he had said the following words on stage: “There are no fascists here, only Italians”. So who knows what was asked after meeting Baldassari.
