A sensational indiscretion launched by Dagospia. A scenario that, if it occurs, could upset the political landscape and shake the government of Mario draghi.
What is Roberto D’Agostino’s website about? Nothing less than a new papeete, read a report on the site that launches the fund in Matteo salvini. The leader of the League in fact it could leave the SuperMario executive wanted by the president Sergio Mattarella as the calendar scrolls: the white semester begins in August. Very tight deadlines.
But why should Salvini resign from the government? Second Dayhosts, the League’s predictions would not have come about. Of course Brothers from Italy the opposition has not lost consensus but the party of Giorgia Meloni kept gaining moles polls. “Meanwhile, from the participation with the EU investment from the Lega to the Draghi government, Salvini is not emerging. At each request, he recovers regularly,” the Dago report reads.
In short, Salvini is at a crossroads for the site. “Either you get a striking economic result for the Lega Nord VAT figures damaged by the pandemic or you go back to the opposition. The Moderate Carroccio led by Giorgetti me Zaia, of course, it would not be favorable “but it would eventually give way.
The issue is also electoral because “it has become clear that this executive will not be able to change the proportional electoral law by the policies envisaged in 2023, so the Meloni-Crosetto duplex is right to wonder how the center-right will present itself together to the voters (Lega + Fratelli d’Italia + Forza Italia) when no one knows the expiration date of the Draghi government “.
And therefore Dagospia “see a Papeete 2, like when the summer holidays brought the League of Yellow-Green government into opposition.
“A possible abandonment of the Draghi government by the Lega would create a serious problem for Mattarella: crisis, replacement of ministers, flight of parliamentarians from Forza Italia in Ghedini-Ronzulli-Tajani mode towards Carroccio and therefore weakening of the new government structure. Not to mention the image of Italy at the European level, with a vaccine that fights to achieve herd immunity in a year ”, are the possible effects of a sensational move by Salvini if what is expected of the fund happened.