Salvini he had gone to the government with me grillini to do what I want. the P.S he went there to do whatever it took to stay there, starting with the things that the 5 Star Movement wants. This difference would not describe anything particularly obscene, and would only denounce a pardonable unscrupulousness, if it did not pretend to ennoble itself for the purpose repeatedly claimed: that is, to protect the country from the authoritarian storm; which according to that grammar, so to speak, means “on the right.” The bad thing is that the news in recent years (not months, years: because the courtship goes back) accuses the collaboration of the Democratic Party with the Grillino power as a responsibility if possible opposite, because it is that party that has even culturally legitimized the phenomenon of the authoritarian, antidemocratic and substantially neo-fascist sign that has been the most alarming since the Republic.
That party, the Democratic Party, has not even set out to bring back to democratic civilization the movement born in the anti-parliamentary squares of shit, which would have been an unrealistic but nevertheless worthy attempt: on the contrary, it preferred participate in the work of devastation that in the economic field, in the administration of justice, in the definition of the relationships between State and citizen and in the autocratic reformulation of government power, the Grillini, thanks to progressive bribery, have managed to improve themselves. It was not only the misappropriation of the policies of others, first which were formally opposed by the just Democratic Party because they were adopted by a circle of power in which it did not participate and then they became their own in the legitimacy of a government that became good. by being filled with its own ministers: it is a question of the delivery of “regular” troops, which is democratically purged, to a fugitive soldier who with that pact was revitalized and left free to make race.
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And all this happened, and continues, in the name of a foolish defense of democratic possessions exposed to siege “of the rights“And peace if, in the meantime, Moroccan women of that illiterate lineage swept through the country that imposes secrecy on their embezzlement, leaving the gagliof arrogance free. super commissioners that self-government insults those who dare to denounce its inefficiencies. This beautiful face has the alternative to the gloomy “correct” profile.