Matteo Salvini on trial by Gregoretti, Lega sources. “He will decide only at the last moment”, the first turn in the classroom – Libero Quotidiano


Just tomorrow Matteo salvini “decide if and when to speak to the judge” of the trial Gregoretti and will mature its own decisions regarding the preliminary hearing ”. Sources League what could be the first turn in the political trial of the year, in Catania, against the leader of the Northern League and former Minister of the Interior accused of kidnapping by and migrants kept on board the military vessel in July 2019.

“I do not know if any of you have ever gone to trial as accused, I hope not, I think not – explained Salvini from Catania, interviewed by Maria Giovanna Maglie in the last public act before the hearing -. Saturday October 3 I will remember it anyway. I hope it goes well, they are absolutely silentI would be concerned if I had a bad conscience for someone who did something they shouldn’t have. Since I have the conscience of who has done only and exclusively your duty, I am the happiest man in the world. “To those who, like the M5, accuse him of holding Catania as a” hostage “, Salvini answers dryly:” The League has not organized any demonstration before the court. I would never have allowed myself to disturb the free and legitimate work of those who work in that Court. And I’m sorry that instead there is a party near that court democratic he only has the adjective that he bears in his name and instead he goes out into the streets before the courts wanting trials and wanting jails ”.
