
Francesco Storace
We very much appreciate Matteo Renzi’s speech to the Senate. On that occasion, the head of Italia Viva exposed the responsibilities of the government. But the discussion is taking a strange turn and no games or talks are allowed. Renzi also has a duty to follow the facts to the letter.
In the interview that caused so much discussion, that of the Country, Renzi demands an apology from Conte. But the prime minister has already offered the reason why he should be shot down without delay. However, instead, it just stays.
When of the 200,000 million euros from Europe due to the pandemic, only 9 are destined for health, there is no excuse for them. It is an unheard of shame that cannot continue any further. It is with the Italian people and their too many tens of thousands of dead that the government and the majority must apologize and not argue with each other. Those nine billion demand that the curtain falls on an indecent proposal: whoever thinks about allocating misery to health does not deserve to manage anything.
And we are really outraged that too many words have been thrown to the wind: it is time for people to understand that politics is not this here. If we do not start from this horrible decision about the health of citizens, there is nothing left to do. So far only Minister Speranza has murmured anything. But more for commercial reasons. Conte did not utter a single syllable in this regard, did not correct even a number. And if it is the prime minister who is silent, the words of Renzi and company are no longer necessary. Conte has to go: because if he doesn’t understand the seriousness of a decision, he doesn’t have to stay another minute at Palazzo Chigi.