Mattarella: “The virus tends to divide us, quite a controversy broken by partisan interests. We need a loyal collaboration between the institutions”


This virus is still partially unknown, but, among other aspects, we realize it tends to divide us“. A new call for unity and cohesion, both from the institutions and from the community, came from the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. Speaking in front of the audience of the National Association of Italian Municipalities, the head of state reiterated the importance of abandoning them the “disputed controversies” think about the good of the nation. And this while even today the cases of COVID-19 registered are 32 thousand and deaths in 24 hours are 731. Italy has to face the second wave of the pandemic And according to the President of the Republic, it is essential that there is “loyal collaboration between the institutions.” An appeal that Mattarella has made several times, directed at the political forces, but which so far has not materialized in reality.

Mattarella spoke directly to the mayors, reiterating the importance of his role in the necessary planning for the coming months: “The European Union is assuming important responsibilities in this historic step and finally shows itself, as in other times of crisis on the Continent , at the height of its functions. The Recovery Plan will mark the next few years. The municipalities will have to be an important part of this restart that can give back to the younger generations opportunities that were in danger of failing ”. And, he closed: “We are facing a serious epidemic. But we also have a historic challenge ahead of us and the opportunity to rethink what we want to be. We are all called to the task of redesigning Italy, without exception. The Municipalities of this company represent an essential engine“.

“The virus tends to divide us” – According to Mattarella, it is one of the problems of the pandemic: we are not responding cohesively to the virus. In fact, we parted “between age groups more or less exposed to the most serious risks, Between social categories more or less affected of the economic consequences, between the same institutions called upon to make the necessary decisions, sometimes unpopular, to reduce contagion and guarantee the necessary assistance to those in need. The pluralism and articulation of republican institutions are and they must be multipliers of positive energies, but this disappears if, in the emergency, we divide ourselves ”.

To do this, the head of state continued: “We have to use our sense of responsibility, to create convergence and collaboration between the forces that we have available to operate in the same direction. Even with critical comments, always helpful, but without dispersing them in disparate controversies or in the pursuit of illusory partisan advantages, in the face of an insidious enemy that can overwhelm everyone. Freedom runs the risk of weakening when it goes down the degree of cohesion, of unity between the parties. This is the primary responsibility of democratic institutions, at all levels, and this is the lesson that the pandemic strongly reaffirms ”.

Still addressing the representatives of local administrations throughout Italy, Mattarella spoke precisely of the misunderstandings that have arisen at various levels: “Difficulties have led to misunderstandings, which at times have sharpened relations between the different levels of government. The principle of loyal institutional collaboration, which the Municipalities know well and practice – from Anci itself – continues to be the guideline on which to constantly rebuild the effective lines to overcome the current crisis, avoiding the temptation to leave responsibility of more decisions to others. difficult. Cooperation and accountability are valued by citizens and they generate trust, because everyone knows that a game like this can only be won together and nobody can claim to be right alone.

Mattarella, however, thanked the mayors for how they have handled the last few months: “The municipalities have faced -and are facing- an excess of challenges, charges and responsibility. I would like to express a feeling of gratitude towards those who lead them and those who play opposition roles, which I know are shared by our fellow citizens ”. In this sense, the Municipalities “may resort to the union ordinance power establishing provisions more specifically linked to the conditions of its territory than national or regional ones. Health is a fundamental right. The duty to protect you requires that you do not hesitate to make the necessary decisions. It is precisely from this need that a closer link is needed between the levels of government committed to coping with the emergency; so as not to compromise the global coherence of the actions and strategies implemented “.

The call to a “sense of responsibility towards others and towards oneself” – Mattarella, however, did not limit himself to resorting to institutional actors. But he also appealed to “sense of responsibility” of each one: “Let no one be fooled by the thought ‘it won’t happen to me,’” he said. “This way of thinking has been shattered in the face of countless cases of disappointment, of people who thought so and were hit by the coronavirus. We had to, and still must, unfortunately mourn the death of so many people; of all ages, even among the young. And we must not forget it, out of respect for them ”.

Therefore, Mattarella said, a “personal responsibility” is needed: “There is norms, ordinances, rules issued and applied by the institutions. But, together, the convinced commitment of each one of us is necessary. Personal responsibility; which we have greatly appreciated in the last few months. We must all adopt the suggested prudent behaviors: masks, hygiene, distancing, choosing to do without unnecessary activities and meetings. Not by imposition, not only by suggestion or by order of public authorities but by conviction. Free and, for that reason, responsible. With a sense of responsibility towards others and also towards oneself. For convenience if the duty of solidarity is not felt ”.

It is essential, the head of state continued, to realize the seriousness of the pandemic: “On this occasion, therefore, I wish to address – this time through the mayors – a new appeal to our fellow citizens to everyone is aware of the seriousness of the danger of contagion; that is affecting all of humanity, everywhere, making life difficult and blocking the normality of life in most countries on all continents ”.

“The pandemic has changed the rhythms of life, let’s not suffer them” – We need responsibility, but the head of state is the first to recognize the many sacrifices that Italians are obliged to make. “The pandemic has changed the rhythms of our lives, it has affected times and places of work and with them the use of spaces and infrastructures, designed and built for other needs,” said the President of the Republic in the initial part of his speech. . “It is up to the Republic to know how to read the signs of changes, and to know how to trace the paths so that the objectives of freedom, justice, and social cohesion entrusted to us by the Constitution, find application in the new time. We must be protagonists of change, and not succubi “. “We are facing a serious epidemic. But we also have a historical challenge ahead and the opportunity to rethink what we want to be. We are all called to the task of redesigning Italy, without exception. The Municipalities of this company represent an essential engine ”.

The pandemic, reiterated the Head of State, “is accustoming us to new ways of working and producing, which question the model of urban densities as we know them. It is about the high concentration of human, intellectual and economic resources in relatively small spaces, to move to a residential reorganization on different bases that may affect other territories. The supply of public and private services also changes with the change in demand. Our inhabited centers are actually living beings: over time they grow, they expand, they shrink; its own prevailing vocation is modified. From what is happening we can get the impulse for a relaunch and improvement of our social model ”. The Municipalities, Mattarella highlights, “They are the frontier of this challenge that affects the entire country. The new economies, the new modes of production and distribution, the network of services to citizens can be rethought to respond to new social needs, avoiding the diseconomies that we inherited from previous models ”.

Then the head of state focused on what was necessary strengthening of territorial medicine and on overcoming the digital divide: “Innovation implies, and will increasingly involve, even large centers, metropolises that are at the hubs of the main networks. The quality of life, the air we breathe, the work we do our own, the time we release will increasingly affect the same rates of development. As is already the case with health protection, that requires the strengthening of territorial medicine, support for research, growth of the preventive culture and healthier lifestyles ”. Then, he added: “Decisive for the restart of the country, and for that idea of ​​sustainable development that the European Union has decided to place at the center of its policies, obviously it is the digitization of the Public Administration, and therefore the strengthening of communication infrastructures between territories, between institutions, between citizens and services. Overcoming the digital divide is today a condition to respect that principle of equality and those rights of citizenship, which are guaranteed by the Constitution. It will be the premise of an economic relaunch and an opportunity for many territories ”.
