Mattarella promulgates the DL simplifications but with observations – La Stampa


President Sergio Mattarella signed the simplification decree but accompanied the signing of a letter to the Presidents of the Chamber and Senate and to the Prime Minister in which he emphasizes that “various provisions” are not attributable to the original purposes and invites the Government “to ensure that during the parliamentary examination of the decree-laws, clearly heterogeneous rules are not inserted with respect to the object and purpose of the emergency measures “. Finally, it represents “for Parliament the need to operate in such a way that the amendment activity is carried out in full coherence with the content limits derived from the constitutional provision.” In the note, the President obviously reaches the point (unequal rules) of some changes in the highway code, so much so that he clarifies, “in the preamble, the decree-law tries to correspond to the double need to facilitate investments and the construction of infrastructures through a set of procedural simplifications. The text that is presented to me, with the amendments made in Parliament, however, contains various provisions, including in particular those contained in article 49, which modify fifteen articles of the Code of Circulation, which are not attributable to the aforementioned purposes and do not fulfill a matter originally governed by the provision “.
