Mattarella, a school of decisive resources for the future of the community – Politics


“The school community is a decisive resource for the future of the national community, precisely as an irreplaceable vehicle for the socialization of children and young people: we understand even more its importance after the closures imposed by the pandemic. Examples such as Maria Montessori they urge you to face effectively the responsibilities of this difficult time ”. This was expressed by the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella in a statement on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of María Montessori.

“Maria Montessori – recalls the Head of State – was born one hundred and fifty years ago, in Chiaravalle. Her humanity, her studies, her courageous experience as an educator, have left a deep mark on the pedagogical sciences and pointed out new horizons for the school, benefiting millions of young people in all parts of the world, who knew and knew how to increase their personality in full freedom. In the hardest years of the 20th century, María Montessori managed to break old prejudices, demonstrating the irrationality of teaching methods based on authoritarianism and opposing practices of marginalization to the detriment of those who suffered or were considered different, opening the way to a path of growth for children based on the full expression of their creativity, in a responsible training for sociability ”.

Regions and Government will debate today on the subject of the transport with a view to the resumption of the school, also in the light of the new definitive directives of the CTS. The directors propose the hypothesis of a self-certification of the parents for the minors. Nurses, on the other hand, are proposed in 9,000 to supervise each school complex and verify
the application of anti-Covid measures.

Courses for the recovery of student learning will begin tomorrow, in some cases face-to-face, in others, for the second grade, remotely, depending on the autonomous choice of the individual schools. In recent days, the Ministry of Education has sent schools a clarifying note in which it recalls, among other things, that the recovery of learning is not “a mere formal achievement”, but arises from the “need to guarantee any realignment of learning. ” given the particular school year experienced by our children from March to June ”. “The effort made last year was considerable and in many respects exemplary of how cohesive educational communities gave a prompt response to the need to guarantee, albeit in a dramatic situation, the right to education,” the note recalls. “Now it is about recovering what has inevitably been lost.”