Matera, underage tourists raped. The minutes: “Don’t call 113, ruin the party”


Matera, September 11, 2020 – Quattro arrested, three suspects, and one (yet to be identified) wanted, by the police a Matera as part of the research on group sexual violence suffered by two English underage tourists Pisticci’s Marconia. In the small village of Materano, the two Englishmen participated in a party in a villa and there the crime was committed on the night of September 7 to 8. Matera investigating judge Angelo Onorati ordered the precautionary custody orders in prison. The police investigations led to the arrest of four young men, all from Pisticci (Matera), between 19 and 23 years old: they are Michele Masiello, Alberto Lopatriello, Alessandro Zuccaro and Giuseppe Gargano. The allegations are of ongoing and aggravated sexual assault and personal injury. The research activity highlighted “the brutality, the gravity ed brutality violence committed in a subtle way, which could have been repeated against other women. “In addition to the four detainees, three other young people are currently under investigation, and a eighth involved identity is still unknown. This was said by the Attorney General of the Republic of Matera, Pietro Argentino, during the press conference.

Reconstruction of violence

As reconstructed by the researchers, the sexual violence it would have taken place in the garden of the villa where a private party was taking place. The research activity started from complaint of the victims, both on vacation in the Ionian town, one of them with relatives in Marconia, while the other is a friend. Shortly after arriving at the party, accompanied by the thirty-year-old sister of one of the two, the English girls were approached by two of the suspects. Later, “taking advantage of the altered mental state of the two minors, due – she writes in a statement released by the Matera Police Headquarters – to the hiring of. alcohol“One of the eight youths involved, Giuseppe Gargano forcefully pushed one of the two into one dark zone, followed by the other friends and the other girl. There it happened gang rape, with two different sexual assaults. The very young women tried with all their might to defend themselves and to escape the gang rape, which lasted about 15 minutes. The loud music did not make any other person present aware of the violence that was taking place.

Later, they all left and the two girls turned to the sister of one of the two, came to a bathroom in the village and told her what had happened. On the way home, they called 118, claiming they had been raped. In shock, the two girls underwent appropriate treatment at Matera’s Madonna delle Grazie Hospital, from which they were later discharged. The very young, as the Argentine prosecutor has said, will remain in Italy, at least until the evidentiary incident. One of the detainees, Michele Masiello, 23, gave spontaneous statements to the prosecutor Annafranca Ventricelli “useful to reconstruct the facts and identify the other perpetrators.”

“They were crying in terror”

The examining magistrate of Matera, Angelo Onorati, in the order in which he ordered the precautionary measure in prison for the four young people, he stressed that the arrested abused of the two English minors, also taking advantage of “the mentally inferior conditions” of the two tourists who “from the examinations showed that they had ingested narcotics, administered without their knowledge by subjects in the process of identification.” The 16- and 15-year-olds, who returned home, wrote the prosecutor, “were crying bitterly, were in obvious shock and completely terrified.” a relative of one of the two girls, of Italian origin, would have told investigators. The man said he “still had before his eyes” the state of dismay the girls were in.

Recognized on Instagram

At least two of the perpetrators were recognized by the victims because a cousin had shown them the Instagram profiles by Michele Masiello, 23, and Alberto Lopatriello, 22, two of the four arrested.

Don’t ruin the party, don’t call 113

“Don’t ruin the party. Don’t call the police because this is my friend’s party “is what one of the partygoers told a relative of one of the two girls raped by a group of eight young people who went there after learning of the abuse, says in a report Of the order.
