Glinvited to drink and joke in the house, they were beaten and raped by at least eight children. Crawl into that dark garden at a birthday party. One crashed into the hood of a car and the other into a fence. Where the pack has abused its fifteen years.
It happened on Monday night, in the province of Matera. In Marconia, part of the Pisticci municipality. Two English girls, alone, against those young people from good families and unemployed who, probably, took advantage of the “mentally inferior conditions” after having drugged them in secret. One tried to defend herself: a punch to the face and a bite to the private parts of one of her rapists. Some have been recognized thanks to their social profiles. Four were arrested: they are between 19 and 23 years old. Three others, also in their 20s, are under investigation, while one has yet to be identified. And the participation of other people is not excluded. All in fifteen minutes, as can be seen from the video surveillance cameras of the private home that frame the previous phases – in which the group arrives at the isolated place – and those after the attack, in which it moves away. An open party, no need for an invitation. There are about forty present, they do not notice anything, they celebrate the birthday of a fifty-year-old.
Shortly after, the minors look for the older sister of one of them who was in that chalet with her husband. They tell him everything. “They raped my sister, they raped them both,” said the record. The cousin of one of the victims also arrives. «Their faces were shocked, they cried bitterly and hugging me they said: Help, Help. There were many, they took us there ».
The girls do not speak Italian, although one of them is of Lucan origin. Her family has been moving to England for years. Some relatives still live in Basilicata, where they had been spending their holidays for a few weeks. The news of what happened reaches an uncle who lives in Pisticci. It is he who tells investigators about the conversation with his daughter. “They told her that after being beaten, some children probably sexually abused them. I asked to take me to the place of the party because I wanted to ask for explanations ». Upon arriving at the place, she decides to call 113. “Don’t ruin the party, don’t call the police, because she’s a friend of mine,” a girl who was there yelled at her. The man then joins the victims in their apartment. “They were crying bitterly and were in obvious shock, completely terrified. I still have before my eyes the state of consternation of the girls ».
118 is alerted and accompanies them to the hospital. “The doctor visited the unfortunate – says the cousin – finding the obvious signs of consummated sexual violence.” The medical reports leave no room for doubt – there is also talk of multiple injuries – and the two very young are ready to denounce their torturers. The minors say they were approached by two of the suspects, who did not know, as soon as they arrived. Then pushed to the back of the villa by the youngest. At that moment the others arrive too. One will be recognized by a pink T-shirt, an Instagram photo and the intuition of a cousin of the victims. The girls spoke of “a certain Michele and a certain Alberto and that is why I decided to show them some photos taken from social networks to understand if they recognized the protagonists of the brutal violence.” So it was.
During the investigations of the Matera mobile team and the Pisticci police station, coordinated by the Prosecutor’s Office, several witnesses later confirmed the presence of the suspects, saying that they saw them talking to the two girls. Others, however, reported that they did not notice anything. The volume of the music was louder than those muffled screams.
One of the detainees allowed the other accomplices to be identified. Now four of them, all locals, are in prison and answering for ongoing and aggravated sexual violence and personal injury. All have had problems with the justice.
For the investigating judge, they acted with “gravity and submissive manner.” For the Argentine prosecutor “a brutal act against two girls.” One of the girls will soon be 16 years old. “The investigations – said the commissioner Luigi Liguori – continue”. Both to identify individual responsibilities and any other involvement. –