Massacre without controls: 8 arrests and searches in Calabria


Animals sacrificed without controls. For this reason, since dawn today, more than 100 Carabinieri from the Naples Health Protection Group and the Crotone, Cosenza and Reggio Calabria Provincial Commands, with the air support of remotely piloted units of the Carabinieri Command for the Health Protection, they are executing a precautionary custody order issued by the Judge for preliminary inquiries by the Crotone Court within the framework ofoperation called “FOX”, carried out by the Nas de Cosenza under the direction of the Prosecutor of the Republic of Crotone.

The investigating judge of the Crotone Court as part of the “Fox” operation carried out by Nas and coordinated by the Crotone prosecutor Giuseppe Capoccia and his substitute Andrea Corvino, issued a total of eight precautionary measures: two custody orders in prison against the owner of the Strongoli slaughterhouse at the center of the investigation, and one of his employees.

For four vets of the Asp de Crotone, in service in the Cirò Marina and Roccabernarda detachments were house arrest warrant while two others have been suspended from service. Factories and farms worth more than 1 million euros have also been ordered seized.

They are also underway searches on 18 farms in the provinces of Crotone, Cosenza and Reggio Calabria whose owners have been referred to the Judicial Authority.

The investigations, started in 2019 as a result of an internal report to the Veterinary Service, and carried out by the Nas de Cosenza under the constant direction of the Public Ministry of the Crotone Court, affected the entire meat supply chain (beef, pork and sheep and goats) and involved, in addition to the beneficiaries of today’s precautionary measure, also 14 ranchers, on whose farms the Carabinieri are executing a search decree, also through aerial reconnaissance of the same carried out by SAPR teams, with “drones” supplied to the Carabinieri Health Protection Command.

Research would have shown that The vets investigated would have witnessed tuberculosis prophylaxis that never occurred, altered blood samples from pigs to allow slaughter.. In addition, they would have acted as intermediaries in the illicit trafficking of ear tags, often belonging to animals that died of disease and subsequently placed in other abusive leaders to remedy the illicit position, or even the insertion and revocation of false reports of loss of animals. . More generally, a distorted use of the computerized Zootechnical Registry was documented, in which data completely unrelated to reality were recorded and inserted with the sole purpose of regularizing the trafficking committed by the breeders investigated.

The suspects are accused, for various reasons, of unauthorized access to the computer system, ideological falsification committed by public officials in public documents, receipt of stolen goods, abuse of power, omission of official documents, falsification of food substances, trade in harmful food substances and spread of infectious animal diseases.

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