Massacre of the Pilar, 30 years of mysteries. “Reopen investigations on accomplices and principals”


That night, thirty years ago, there was fog in El Pilar. The three carabinieri, in their early twenties, were on patrol, they had to guard an old school that had been hit in the previous days by a Molotov cocktail. Their only flaw was that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time: They were mercilessly murdered, and for no apparent reason, by the White One gang. The Savi brothers assaulted the service car with bullets, then approached to hit the police. , already seriously injured, the coup de grace. This is how Otello Stefanini, Mauro Mitilini and Andrea Moneta died, victims of such ferocity that they left room for doubts and questions. Today, thirty years after a massacre that forever marked Bologna and all of Italy, the relatives of these poor boys ask that the investigation be reopened to clear the fog that they believe still shrouds, …

That night thirty years ago there was fog in Pillar. The three carabinieri, in their early twenties, were on patrol, they had to guard an old school that had been hit in the previous days by a Molotov cocktail. Their only fault was being in the wrong place at the wrong time: they were mercilessly murdered, and for no apparent reason, by the One white. me Savi Brothers They assaulted the service car with bullets, then approached to give the carabinieri, already seriously wounded, the coup de grace. Thus died Otello Stefanini, Mauro Mitilini and Andrea Moneta, victims of such ferocity that they left room for doubts and questions. Today, thirty years after a massacre that forever marked Bologna and all of Italy, the families of these poor boys ask to reopen the investigations to clear the fog that, according to them, still surrounds that story, at least in part.

January 4, 1991 is a date stamped with iron and fire in the memory of the city, but themassacre of the pillar it was just one, perhaps the most emblematic, of the many criminal actions carried out between 1987 and 1994 by the gang that terrorized Emilia-Romagna and the Marches. Incursions into toll booths, Roma camps, cooperatives, banks and post offices. A trail of blood 24 dead and more than a hundred injured. Roberto Savi, the ‘short’, and his brother Fabio, the ‘long’, were the leaders, ruthless and unscrupulous. Then there was the third brother, the weak one, Alberto. Then the companions: Pietro Gugliotta, Marino Occhipinti and Luca Vallicelli. All police officers on duty between Bologna and Romagna. All except Fabio, the companion of Eva mikula. He was the only one not wearing a uniform, dismissed by the police for being myopic. When they were arrested, thanks to the intuition of two Rimini policemen, for all of them it was the end of a nightmare. Meanwhile, the investigations had gone the wrong way by pointing to the ‘pillars, or common crime that dominated Bologna.

me processes They started from scratch and ended up in the mid-1990s with life imprisonment for the Savi and Occhipinti, 18 years for Gugliotta and three years and eight months for Vallicelli. It has been a long time since then and the companions have already been released from the prison, only the Sages are still inside. Although Alberto has already obtained several concession permits to leave the Padua prison. Roberto and Fabio, for their part, detained together in the Bollate prison, have never been released, but have submitted several petitions over the years, including a request for clemency (later withdrawn) to the President of the Republic. All the events that have reopened the never healed wounds of the victims’ families.

This will be a special anniversary. Covid failure, which has upset everything and is also going to upset the commemoration. In fact, the relatives of the victims will not be there. The ceremony will be reduced, with few authorities, including the general commander of Arma Giovanni Nistri.

Although they will not be in Bologna, the family members have made their voices heard, starting with Ludovico Mitilini, 53 years old, Mauro’s brother, who by profession makes a strange twist of fate, only the policeman.

“We will present a formal request to the Prosecutor’s Office to reopen the investigations,” he says, “we are collecting the elements. There are still many dark points to clarify. The truth of the sentences is a mutilated truth ”.

The questions are always the same: Was there someone behind the Elders? Did the so-called third level exist? Did deviant services and the mob play a role? “Behind Uno Bianca there was only the plaque,” said Fabio Savi in ​​the classroom in a phrase that has become famous. One way of saying they did it all by themselves.

“The Savi have changed their version several times – continues Mitilini -, they are not credible. Many things do not add to the massacre of the Pilar: the true motive for the ambush, the service record of the carabinieri disappeared, the fourth man of the Alpha 33 seen by witnesses and never found. The truth is that it was a trap, those young carabinieri had to die. Tension strategy? Eversion? Hidden principles? I can’t rule out anything. That is why we have to reopen the investigations. “

“This year many bad things are added, he says Anna Maria Stefanini, Othello’s mother -. It is the first time in 30 years that I have not gone to Bologna, and I was especially interested. Those killers are now demanding to be released from prison. I am a Christian and I believe in forgiveness, but for them there can be no forgiveness ”.
