Death of birds on the night of December 31 in Rome. On New Year’s Eve, several videos and photos appeared online showing hundreds of dead birds in the central via Cavour, near Termini station. A discussion has broken out on social networks, between those who wonder if it is not a hoax and those who, instead, wonder about the causes of the massacre. How are the things going?

Massacre of birds in Rome on December 31
The capital opened the year with a animal sacrifice. In the following video you can see birds flying rapidly between the buildings of the Esquiline. In the photos they appear lying in the street. The most credible hypothesis is that the birds got scared by the New Year’s barrels, and therefore collided with the power lines or the windows of the buildings.
In this case, we have no reason to believe that it is a hoax. The photos look real, the dates match and the geolocation can be confirmed thanks to Google Maps. However, the date of the video, found on YouTube, reveals that the episode occurred as a result of the barrels exploded before midnight.
On the other hand, the news according to which the barrels are those organized by the Municipality to be considered false Imperial forums, because this year the administration has not organized any fireworks display.
Rome: the fantastic result of tonight. The human being never denies himself, there is little to do. Barrels are a must for him.
Posted by Enrico Rizzi on Friday, January 1, 2021
New Year’s Barrel Lightning Ordinance Not Enforced
“The ‘New Year’s war’ was back on the scene this year despite the ban imposed by Mayor Raggi ordinance”Affirms the International Organization for the Protection of Animals (Oipa) in a statement. According to President Comparotto, “the sale of firecrackers and pyrotechnics must be prohibited and the companies reconverted”, because “the ordinances are useless, in fact there are no controls and every year we count among the wildlife hundreds of dead and injured specimens and many pets injured or lost by the barrels and the distraction of the owners ”.
Massacre of birds in via Cavour in Rome by the end of the year barrels. I cannot think of a more suitable visual metaphor for humanity in this century.
We deserve it all. pic.twitter.com/gL7CoVLO08– Cristiana Raffa (@cristianaraffa) January 1, 2021
In fact, the mayor’s ordinance appears to have been of little use. The videos of the New Year’s barrels in Rome (and not only), a trend that the Covid-19 pandemic has not only failed to stop, but to which it appears to have contributed. In Asti, a 13-year-old boy died from wounds to his abdomen caused by a firecracker explosion.
