Massa, eight arrests: the social cooperative piloted the hiring in exchange for contracts and favors


Eight arrests in Massa after the investigation of “Reception” for crimes of corruption and illicit influence peddling, including the mayor of Villafranca in Lunigiana. At the center of the story is the Serinper cooperative whose managers are accused of having hired relatives and friends of public officials in exchange for contracts and favors. A corrupting system that allowed the managers of the cooperative to obtain advantages and accumulate huge profits also thanks to the inclusion of people within the structures regardless of the maximum number of users allowed by law. According to the accusations, the cooperative administered food of poor quality and in insufficient quantities, even to minors, without guaranteeing health and hygiene standards and in the absence of qualified personnel.


The minors were forced to sleep in makeshift beds with continuous mistreatment, threats and physical limitations, which they called “restraint.” Those who had to take over the controls turned a blind eye because the managers got “convenient” hires. Everything about the skin of fragile people unable to rebel and threatened with reprisals if they denounced these behaviors. Over the years, the cooperative and its associates have seen their business volume and related income multiply due to the payment of ‘fees’ directly by public bodies. The precautionary measures applied by the investigating judge of the Massa court refer to: Paola Giusti , as head of the “Custody Center” of the Social Services of the Municipality of Massa, and therefore responsible for interrelation with social workers, identified by law as responsible for the placement of disadvantaged minors in reception facilities. She was subjected to house arrest for having been accused of having, in exchange for hiring relatives: assigned or assigned to “disadvantaged patients” in shelters. Rosanna vallelonga the head of the multidisciplinary commission asl district of Lunigiana, as well as director of the health society, was subjected to house arrest for being accused of having delivered, in exchange for the hiring of people denounced by her, confidential office documents. Filippo Abramo BellesiThe mayor of the Municipality of Villafranca in Lunigiana (center-right) was accused of having granted the Serinper cooperative, in exchange for hiring the people denounced by him, an authorization to operate in the “Casa di Bastian” facility, a Center Juvenile Justice. located in Villafranca in Lunigiana, despite the fact that serious structural deficiencies in the building had already been reported; if the authorizations for operation and accreditation and for the immediate closure of the property and related activities have not been revoked, also in consideration of the absence of the requirements demanded by the hygiene regulations, and this despite having knowledge of the seriousness of the deficiencies structural of the property in question. Mauro Marcelli, at the time of the events in charge of the unified Office of Suap for the Municipalities of Lunigiana, he was accused of having, in exchange for hiring more people, informed Alessio Zoppi, Tamara Pucciarelli and Enrico Benassi —Indicated as managers of the cooperative— of imminent inspection activity in the structures of Lunigiana; To have granted the modification of the authorization to operate the socio-educational community, expanding the audience of subjects authorized to be hosted, thus allowing the “Serinper Group” to expand in the territory and having unduly refused to impose the consequent administrative sanctions against the cooperative. a control carried out by the Carabinieri of the Labor Inspection Unit. Russo Pink, at the time of the events, an honorary judge of the Florence Juvenile Court was accused of corruption for having, in exchange for hiring and other favors requested for her family members, systematically and continuously violating the duties of her position by referring to the executives of “Serinper” the existence of investigative activities or in any case of criminal complaints against him. In addition, it has failed to comply with the obligation to send you notifications of crime against you in relation to facts that you know in the context of the office. He did not denounce the serious irregularities against “Serinper” before the competent Juvenile Court from which he had received direct news.

Marino Petracci, councilor of Montignoso, is accused of having worked in favor of Zoppi, Benassi and Pucciarelli, before the opening of a new structure in the Municipality of Montignoso in relation to the disputes raised by the Region, caused by the too high number of concentrated structures in a limited geographic area. In addition, undue pressure is attributed to him Nadia Bellè, responsible for the social services of the Montignoso City Council, in reference to the granting of the accreditation for the installation of Serinper in Via Traversa, all this in exchange for hiring his wife in Serinper.

The cooperative also had the support of the mayor of Montignoso Gianni Lorenzetti (center left) who is under investigation for the crimes of failure to report, assist and know of official acts and omission thereof, having received the news that a serious building abuse had been committed in one of the municipal structures de Montignoso, delayed the investigation of the case, informing those responsible for the “Serinper” of the circumstance and inviting them to withdraw the abuse before arranging controls by the traffic police. Finally Stefano Benedetti The president of the municipal council of Massa was accused of illegal influence peddling, he would have promised political support to the cooperative in exchange for hiring people, he reported
