The Minister of Health to “Within half an hour more”: “The hope is that the controls initiated by the EMA may have a positive result even earlier.” On the case of the video in which the new Calabrian health commissioner criticizes the masks: “It comes from a season in which the WHO also spoke of masks for the infected and health care. But 30 years of résumé cannot be canceled with a stolen video ”. Then he launches an appeal: “Return to the spirit of March when people’s behavior made the difference”
The mass distribution of the vaccine for Covid-19 “will surely take place at the end of the first quarter of 2021, or at the end of the first quarter, but the hope is that the controls that the EMA has already initiated on the most advanced trials may have a positive result even earlier. ” This is what the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza says who, as a guest in En half an hour more, also comments on the controversy about the video in which the new Calabrian health commissioner, Giuseppe Zuccatelli, questions the use of masks: “It is completely inappropriate and deeply inappropriate. The commissioner apologized but he comes from a different season in which the WHO was also talking about masks for the infected and medical care. But 30 years of resume cannot be canceled with a stolen video “(LIVE UPDATES ON COVID – THE SPECIAL ONE).
“In Calabria 700 million without spending”
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“The Calabrian issue is a national issue – says Speranza – The only thing that has not been discussed is the Calabrian decree approved last Wednesday that tries to put a hand in the necessary restart of the region, new investments, more usability for the structure of commissioners and more tools. “In recent years, the minister explains,” an incredible amount of resources has accumulated in Calabria, 700 million unspent and we have created the conditions to spend them as quickly as possible. In Calabria, Speranza adds, “however, there are also some health companies that have been blocked and started up because they have been infiltrated from a criminal point of view: now a prefectural commission assumes responsibility, along with a health competition” . Then, defining the decree as “a turning point”, the minister says that the basic message of the government “is that Calabrian medical care must be restarted, and that criterion is the tool for it to start walking again. This is a commitment absolute and that the decree is a new takeover as a national and not a territorial issue.
“It would be a serious crime to give false information”
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Regarding the second wave of infections, Speranza then observes that “it is not written in the sky where we are going to end but I see a consciousness that is not up to the moment we are living. Let’s go back to the spirit of March when people’s behavior made the difference. ” And to a question that hypothesized the possibility that the Regions would give partial data, he replied: “There is a serious relationship between the institutions and it would be a serious crime to give false data.” “It is important – says the minister – to make public the data we have . Now this data is also used to say what measures will take effect. “
“The Dpcm was shared by the entire government”
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And speaking of measures, Speranza also talks about the last Dpcm: “The Dpcm that we approved from which the ordinances that I sign derive have been shared by the entire government. It is not a personal signature. I am signing on behalf of the government. on the basis of a decree of the president of the Council of Ministers and in full harmony and sharing with the president of the Conte Council and with all the ministers ”. And he adds: “I don’t think it is a dirty job to sign an ordinance that imposes restrictions, I think it is a very noble job.” “If I verify that in a territory, based on scientific data, there is risk, I am not afraid to sign. I have signed heavy ordinances and I am willing to sign more if it will be useful for our country – says the minister – It is a job”. protect health as a constitutional right “.
“We need a stronger OMS, I look forward to a new season with Biden”
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Commenting on Joe Biden’s victory in the US elections (THE 2020 USA SPECIAL), Speranza says the hope is that with this new season we can review the United States’ exit from the WHO, announced by Trump for July 2021. ” Without the first democratic power, it would be a weaker WHO “, explains the minister, according to whom the WHO” must be reformed and relaunched but a stronger WHO is needed. “