Green light from the Council of Ministers to expand state of emergency for the coronavirus: it has been extended until January 31, 2021. Not only that: as part of the Covid decree law, the CDM has approved a rule that expands Dpcm with anti-contagion regulations now effective October 15. With a novelty: the obligation to carry the More expensive even outdoors across the country, if you’re around people who don’t live together. The provision regarding the new obligation will enter into force immediately after the publication of the Covid decree law in the Official Gazette.
New Dpcm: where and when masks are (and are not) mandatory
Therefore, it will be necessary to adopt a new Dpcm before October 15 to confirm or update the anti-pollution regulations that would have expired today and that, instead, have been extended. Where and when are (and are not) required masks? In addition to outdoors if in the presence of people who do not live together, the mask is mandatory in all closed places, with the exception of private homes. This is the news that, as the Ansa agency has learned, was introduced by the Council of Ministers in the new Covid decree:
“The obligation in the interior was foreseen only for places open to the public, now comes one more squeeze and the obligation is triggered everywhere except in the house itself.”
Government sources explained toAnsa that the obligation to wear the mask will apply “in all places in the open air except in cases where the condition of isolation is continuously guaranteed” from other people. Basically: even if you are alone (or between partners) you will have to make sure that there are no other people around.
Approved the new Dpcm in masks and fines
The new Dpcm introduces “the obligation to always carry respiratory protection devices with you, with the possibility of providing for mandatory use in indoor places accessible to the public, including means of transport, and in all outdoor places when you are close of other people who do not live together, and in any case without prejudice to the anti-contagion protocols foreseen for specific economic, productive and social activities, as well as the guidelines for the consumption of food and beverages ”, the agency writes. Tell.
The following are exempt from the obligation to wear a mask:
- Children under the age of six;
- those who are in a condition of isolation, when they are far from others: for example, if they go to the field, to the garden, to their garden;
- who is doing physical and sports activities, subject to a distance of at least 2 meters
- subjects with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask, as well as those who, to interact with the above, find themselves in the same incompatibility.
The Undersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa, invited in “Today is another day” in Rai 1, specified that “the mask should always be used. The sentence in the Dpcm means that in isolation situations, that is a race in a forest or while I am in a park where there is no one, or in isolation I cannot use it. So the indication is to always carry it with you. The real exceptions are children under 6 years old, people who have a certification according to which the mask “does not it is suitable for your health and there are situations of disability in which you cannot wear the mask “.
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Mandatory masks: fines for violators
For offenders, fines are foreseen starting from 400 euros, which can reach a thousand euros. Even traders who do not enforce the bans within their premises / shop risk a fine of 400 to 1,000 euros. Who is fined for not wearing personal protective equipment where the obligation is provided, can they challenge the sanction if they consider it unfair? The answer is yes, at least in theory. The sanction is open to challenge: fines for violating anti-Covid measures, in fact, are administrative sanctions and, therefore, you can appeal to the prefect or the justice of the peace. Here you will find all the details.