Masks, here’s how to use them right. “Decisive in the coming months”


Masks, how to use them well.

Do not uncover your nose or mouth, wash your hands before use and replace it at least once a day. Months after its appearance in the daily lives of Italians, the mask remains the most discussed (and the most ignored) of the measures of the so-called anti-Covid “triad”. While there is always very little to say about the usefulness of social distancing and constant sanitation, those pieces of cloth designed to cover the nose and mouth and prevent dangerous droplets from infecting someone continue to be questioned cyclically.

To shed some light yesterday, during the usual press conference to update the Covid-19 situation in Italy, ISS number one Silvio Brusaferro thought about it. “Today the use of masks is showing its effect all over the world,” he explained. However, the reference is not only to those classified according to their filtering capacity (surgical and various PFC), but also to those in the community. That is to say, those of the tailor, often homemade, that are sewn with multiple layers. In fact, when specifically asked, the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità argued that there is “strong evidence that” this type of mask “is a very important tool.”

To support Brusaferro also Giovanni Rezza, general director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, who nevertheless specifies that “community masks” do not have a protective efficacy “evaluated as for surgical ones that have a standardized efficacy”. In practice, in the absence of unambiguous standards, there are no studies in this regard (they can only be evaluated if they have three layers, one of which is cotton and two of polyester, in which case it is estimated that they can filter 80% of aerosol particles) and therefore cannot always be considered suitable. The floral fabrics and flashy prints that are actually seen will also be a good antidote to the monotony of surgical blue but it is not certain that they guarantee adequate protection against the virus. For this reason, even if they are useful because they prevent larger saliva droplets from wandering around, it would be better to prefer other types of devices. However, the important thing is not only to wear them, but above all to do it well. So what are the rules to follow and which skins are really useful to wear?

Regardless of the type of device used, the first rule to follow is undoubtedly to disinfect your hands well. Then, as a brochure published by the ISS makes clear, make sure the mask adheres to the face, covering both the nose and mouth. Not only that, you should also avoid touching it once used and if you do, wash your hands. However, if you think you have contaminated the mask (especially if it is surgical) or even if it appears wet, you should throw it away, taking care to remove it from your face by touching only the elastic bands. If, on the other hand, it is a reusable mask, after use it should be washed in the washing machine at 60 °, with soap.

On the contrary, the rules change if you decide to use a mask that, unlike surgical and community ones, has filtering power both inward and outward. This is the case for Ffp2 and Ffp3. In this type of PPE (personal protective equipment), however, care must be taken because if it is true that they have a greater efficiency (they block 94% and 99% of aerosols respectively, compared to 95% of surgical ones that however they only limit the outgoing aerosols and therefore have an efficiency of 80% overall), it is also that they are not suitable for everyone. This type of mask in fact “has a very professional character,” said Brusaferro, “and it is no coincidence that, where they are indicated, they require specific training to be effective.” In practice, it is necessary to be aware of the instrument in your hands, for example, to know the correct procedures for handling the valves present and, above all, to remember that they should not be used for more than 6 hours. In fact, it is no coincidence that a controversy has already arisen this summer. The masks, fully adhered to the face, allow a reduced passage of air and this, added to the heat, can have deleterious effects, especially on the most fragile subjects.

Last updated: 21:52

