Swabs for those who come from abroad, periodic checks on fragile subjects, strict prohibition of meetings.
PALERMO – Mandatory use of masks among strangers, registration and quick swabs for those who come from abroad, periodic checks of health personnel and so-called fragile subjects, in addition to assembly prohibitions. These are the additional prevention measures contained in the new ordinance of the President of the Sicilian Region Nello Musumeci, to limit the spread of the Coronavirus on the island. The provision, which has just been signed, will take effect on Wednesday and will remain in effect until October 30.
Avoid a new lock
“The measures we adopt with this ordinance – Musumeci emphasizes – focus on the control and prevention of people who are fragile or more exposed to contagion. Our constant and repeated calls for caution have unfortunately not been properly taken up by all and we are entering a difficult phase of the epidemic, with the arrival of the flu season. The text is again based on the principle of loyal collaboration between all institutions and dialogue with professionals, with whom Councilor Razza will soon meet again with the Scientific Technical Committee. We have learned that the most important key to addressing this emergency is the timeliness of decisions and the prediction of future events. Sicilia does not want a new confinement, but to avoid it we must all commit ourselves, especially the younger ones ”.
The increase in cases and the new ordinance
The ordinance became necessary given that “the number of cases of Covid 19 continues to increase” and that therefore “a line of maximum prudence must be maintained”, with the evident need not to “underestimate the risk of a rapid epidemic recovery from a an excessive relaxation of individual measures and behaviors also linked to moments of improvised aggregation (for example, nightlife) “. These are the news.
Using the mask
It is the obligation of every citizen, over 6 years old, to always keep the mask at their disposal when they are away from home. In places open to the public, the mask should be worn if it is in the context of the presence of multiple subjects. One is exempt only when it is between relatives or partners. Those who perform intense physical activity are excluded from the obligation of continuous use, provided that interpersonal distancing can be maintained, except for the obligation of use at the end of the activity.
Swabs for those who come from abroad
Anyone entering the territory of the Region from EU or non-EU countries is obliged to register on the website www.siciliacoronavirus.it, or communicate their presence to the Region’s health service. Citizens residing in Sicily will fulfill this obligation by registering on the site and immediately informing their GP or pediatrician. Those who have returned to Sicily in the seven days prior to the publication of the ordinance must also comply with the rules. The territorially competent provincial health authorities foresee the signing of a Protocol with the airport management companies, the port authorities, the transport managers, in agreement with the regional department of infrastructure and mobility, to undergo the so-called quick swab or other means of investigation diagnosis, validated by the Higher Institute of Health, for subjects from foreign countries.
Controls of healthcare personnel and fragile patients
The companies of the regional health system carry out periodic controls to the personnel, by means of rapid swab, or by other means of diagnostic investigation. The Health Activities Directorate and the Epidemiological Observatory of the Regional Health Directorate monitor compliance with the ordinance, also by distributing the necessary tests, if they are not found by the individual companies. Hosts of social and health structures and fragile subjects are subjected to the same periodic control.
Gathering bans
Gatherings through prolonged parking in public places or places open to the public (streets, squares and parks) are prohibited. Only the occasions of public initiatives provided for by law or communicated to the Public Safety Authority, for which the organizer is in any case responsible for the absolute compliance with the rules of conduct for the prevention of the risk of contagion, are excluded. In the case of territorialized groups, the Prevention departments immediately propose to the President of the Sicilian Region, prior agreement with the competent municipal administrations, the adoption of containment protocols, limited to intra-municipal, municipal or supra-municipal areas.