Mask in school and new Dpcm: already known provisions confirmed, not used with distance meter. Note



Note Ministry of Education n. 1813 of October 8, 2020. The new decree with anti-Covid measures was published yesterday in the Official Gazette. Today’s note confirms the provisions issued with the “Security Protocol 0-6”, the “Memorandum of understanding to guarantee the start of the school year” and the decree of the Minister of Education June 26, 2020, n. 39 on “Approval of the Document for the planning of school, educational and training activities in all institutions of the National Educational System for the 2020/2021 school year”

Article 1 of the aforementioned decree-law establishes that among the measures of the next Dpcm there may be: “the obligation to always carry respiratory protection devices with them, with the possibility of providing for the mandatory use in closed places accessible to the public, including the media. transport, and in all outdoor places when close to other people who do not live together, and in any case without prejudice to the anti-contagion protocols provided for specific economic, productive and social activities, as well as the guidelines for the consumption of food and beverages, being excluded from these obligations:

1) subjects who perform sports activities;
2) children under the age of six;
3) subjects with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask, as well as those who, when interacting with those mentioned, find themselves in the same incompatibility ”.

The note takes note of the provisions of the minutes of the Cts of August 31, namely:

  • In primary school, to facilitate learning and relational development, the mask can be removed in static conditions (that is, children sitting at the desk) respecting the distance of at least one meter (nd, the so-called “mouth rhyme”, Or a distance of one meter between mouth and mouth) and the absence of situations that foresee the possibility of aerosolization (for example, singing) “.
  • In secondary school, even considering a transmissibility similar to that of adults, the mask can be removed in static conditions with respect to a distance of at least one meter (nd oral rhymes, ut supra), the absence of situations that foresee the possibility of aerosolization (for example, singing) and in an epidemiological situation of low viral circulation as defined by the health authority “.


