Mask in company. Obligation in the open air if close to non-partners


Thomas Tolstrup via Getty Images

You can go without a mask with your friends even outdoors. As long as you stay away from other passersby.

The decree that extends the state of emergency until January 31, 2021 that the Government is preparing to launch tomorrow provides for the obligation to wear a mask on the street, but with common sense. The draft of the text, which Huffpost has read, in fact establishes the “possibility of providing for the mandatory use of personal protective equipment even outdoors”, but adds that the prescription is only valid “when one is close to other people who do not live together “.

In short, you can be penalized by stopping in the vicinity of friends and strangers, or if you do not wear the mask crossing those who walk on the same sidewalk, but the rule is not as tetragonal as many had feared, leaving some flexibility if you are not contact with strangers. The obligation thus declined also provides for some exceptions, relative to those who carry out sports activities, children under six years of age and those who have pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask and their companions.

The text, which will be approved by the Council of Ministers tomorrow, does not directly foresee any modification of the polling system. The fines should remain as planned, from 400 to 3000 euros, and should be extended through the dpcm, which the government is preparing to dismiss, those who do not comply with the obligation to wear protective equipment outdoors if they have other people in the area. ‘2 meter arc. Technically, the postponement of the approval of the decree, scheduled for tomorrow morning due to lack of a quorum in the Chamber, will require an extension of the existing regulations with a bridging text, consequently postponing the entry into force of the new dpcm, but the rule on masks will already be introduced in the text of the decree.

Finally, there is a tightening of regional and local ordinances, which cannot in any way repeal the anti-Covid rules established by the government, if not in a more restrictive sense. Therefore, no governor will be able to sign the exemption from the obligation to wear a mask in the ways indicated above for citizens in their own territory, while the Orwellian text launched by Lazio, which establishes tout-court the obligation to cover the nose and the mouth even at three in the morning on a deserted street, a very high penalty, has the go-ahead.

It is not excluded that the dpcm, which is currently being developed by the Ministry of Health, may have a level of detail greater than that established by the decree, but it will have to move as a result of what is established. Therefore, it is mandatory to wear masks outdoors, but with a strong dose of common sense.
