Mask in class, flip the CTS: the cloth one is fine. But she must wash every day – School News


There is a counter-order regarding the type of More expensive that students should wear to go to school: Scientific Technical Committee in fact, he has expressed a new indication that allows luse of cloth masksas long as they are washed and sanitized every day.

Contrordine of the Cts

The new indication thus replaces the “rejection” of the experts, a few days ago, in which they clearly established that at school the mask allowed for students was surgical.

Now, however, as Il Messaggero points out, the Cts has changed his mind: nothing prevents him from resorting to cloth masks, personal, washable, if, for any reason, the surgical device is not available that day.

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Let me be clear: the experts always suggest the surgical mask. Arcuri himself reiterated to school leaders that there will be 11 million a day for students and teachers and school staff. Surgical masks are the same for everyone and offer guarantees of protection because they are packaged for a specific purpose, to protect. That is why they are independently recommended. But now, for the Scientific Technical Committee, the “community” for the students are fine. The important is Ensure daily cleaning and disinfection.

How to wear the mask at school.

However, some points in the school mask: dai 6 years and older students dthey always use it, especially when they enter and walk through the corridors, at which time different groups of students are created and therefore dangerous concentrations.

In class, as long as you respect the distance meter, students will be able to lower the mask during lessons, but will have to put it back on for other “dynamic situations”.

For teachers, however, the obligation of the surgical mask remains. Alternatively, a certified clear mask can be used.
