Mask, gel and spacing: the rules for safe voting



Installed seats. In the Government’s protocol, the prohibition of going to vote if the temperature is higher than 37.5 ° (it will not be measured at the entrance) and the ballot inserted in the ballot box by the voter.

Covid-time elections: here is the protocol

Installed seats. In the Government’s protocol, the prohibition to vote if the temperature is higher than 37.5 ° (it will not be measured at the entrance) and the ballot box inserted by the voter

2 ‘reading

Limited access to the buildings that house the polling stations, differentiated entry and exit routes, distance between the members of the polling station and between them and the voters, layout of the voting booths that take into account the available space and movement needs . And, of course, the mandatory use of the mask by everyone. The first electoral consultations will take place on September 20 and 21 since the beginning of the Covid emergency and for some time now, in schools, gyms and theaters where the seats have been installed, health security measures have been ordered. Here are the precautions that those who are going to vote must observe.

Do not go to a seat with a temperature higher than 37.5 °

The first basic rule: do not go to vote if you have a temperature higher than 37.5 ° or have symptoms of Covid. Their respect is the responsibility of each voter: no bodily measures are required to access seats. You should not go to the polling station even if you have been in home isolation or quarantine for the past 14 days or have been in contact with people who have tested positive.

It is possible to vote at home. So far, less than a thousand requests have arrived to exercise the right to vote from home, even if the patients in home isolation are almost 40 thousand, not counting all those who are in quarantine due to close contacts with positive people.

Mandatory mask for everyone

To access the voting table it is mandatory to wear a mask. A rule that applies not only to voters but to anyone who has the right to participate, such as representatives of lists. To avoid gatherings, polling stations with several districts will wait their turn to vote in spaces outside the structure.

When entering the seat you will have to sanitize your hands with the gel that you will find near the door. Once the voter has approached the tellers for identification and before receiving the ballot and pencil, the hands must be sanitized again.
