Maroni: “Salvini was wrong about the referendum and in Europe. You should hear more”


“Salvini had spoken of a 6-0. A somewhat brusque statement ”, is Roberto Maroni’s comment on the regional ones that have just been approved. “I was expecting a 4-2 and not a 3-3. I thought Fitto would win ”.

In an interview with QN, the former governor of the Lombardy Region analyzes the mistakes made by his party and by the leader Matteo Salvini.

″ It is a delicate moment. Salvini has a great passion, he is a great communicator, he knows what issues he is discussing and he knows how to gain consensus. He has only one flaw, but a big one: he doesn’t listen to those who criticize him. In this he is very different from Bossi ”.

A concrete example of this consideration for Maroni comes from the recent constitutional referendum (for which, “I voted YES. It was also a victory for the Lega, not just for Di Maio”). Giorgetti, a few days before the vote, had sided with the NO: if Salvini had listened to him, perhaps now the League would be in better condition.

“Salvini arrived in time to change, to direct the electoral campaign in a different way and now we would find ourselves with the triumph of No, the end of the grillini, the government crisis and the spring elections.”

Another mistake, reiterated once again by Giorgetti, was the abstention in the European Parliament on the Lukashenko sentence. Therefore, the doubt arises that the sovereign and anti-European option adopted by Salvini may not be far-sighted.

“In hindsight, yes, especially if you are not in government and you run the risk of being marginalized. We have always been for the Europe of the peoples, never against the Europeans. That’s Le Pen. Salvini after the 2019 European Championship should have accepted Conte’s invitation and nominated him as European Commissioner, Giorgetti or Garavaglia. It would have been a completely different story. “

Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images

If the political line of the League in Europe does not convince you, the national is certainly more positive (“even the European, now it is in difficulties”). Luca Zaia judges that the new winner is a “good and passionate politician from Veneto, a true federative”, but he does not see any internal confrontation for the leadership because Salvini “if he manages to overcome this difficult stage, he will continue to be the secretary without internal competitors.” And, in the South, the League will probably have to play alliances to get results.

“The vote in the South is very different from that in the North. They are consents that belonged to the National Alliance and Forza Italia. I believe that between now and 2023 it will be the Brothers of Italy who will grow in those places. I see Meloni in great expansion in the South ”.

Finally, a comment on your role. If you don’t see the mayor of a city like Rome (in next year’s elections), the idea of ​​Milan is tempting.

The other day he was in Rome and many told me ‘come and be mayor of Rome so that we can fix things’. I reassure the Romans: I will not be mayor of Rome. Milan? Many ask me. I think it’s early to talk about that. In any case, Milan is absolutely open to challenge by the center right ”.
