Ancona, January 22, 2021 – The market stay in orange zone, after thelast follow-up weeklyIss Ministry of Health. The minister Roberto Speranza Sign at night the ordinance that establishes the changes in colors of the regions, which refer only to Lombardy (from red zone to orange zone) and the Sardinia (from the yellow area to the orange area). The rest of the map of Italy remains the same.
Le Marche, despite having an Rt index lower than 1, is included among the 12 regions with an employment rate in intensive care and / or medical areas above the critical threshold.
In the period between December 30 and January 12, the transferability index Rt The average calculated on symptomatic cases nationwide was equal to 0.97 (range 0.85-1.11), decreasing after five weeks of growth. The epidemic, however, remains in a delicate phase – warn the technicians – and a new rapid increase in the number of cases is possible in the coming weeks if mitigation measures are not strictly maintained at both national and regional levels.
I am 11 regions with moderate risk: Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, which however has a high risk of deterioration, just like Marche, Molise, Trento and Val d’Aosta, and then Lombardy, Piedmont, Puglia and Veneto. The governor Francesco Acquaroli pushed for the orange zone to turn yellow early next week.
Regionally, the highest Rt index, again according to the draft weekly report, is that of Molise (1.38), ahead of Sicily (1.27), Valle d’Aosta (1.12), Basilicata ( 1.12), Puglia (1.08), Umbria (1.05), Abruzzo (1.05), Piedmont (1.04), Autonomous Province of Bolzano (1.03), Calabria (1.02), Liguria (0.99),. Le Marche is just below, at 0.98 like Tuscany, Emilia Romagna (0.97) at 0.97.
Data from Covid, the latest Marche newsletter
Here, in summary, are the rules of the orange zone in which the Marches are located from Sunday, January 17: shops open; bars and restaurants open until 10pm only to take away (after 6pm alcohol is prohibited) and home delivery. Hairdressers and beauty centers open. Allow the visiting friends and family once a day but only in your municipality. Two adults and children under 14 in the same car. For him displacementsIf you live in a municipality with less than 5,000 inhabitants, you can move within a 30 km radius. As to sport, yes to Walking and jogging in your municipality. Gyms and swimming pools closed. Open sports centers
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