Ancona, December 5, 2020 – The phone call from the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, arrived yesterday afternoon and brought good news: from midnight between Saturday and Sunday the marches return to the yellow zone.
The Yellow Zone tab: rules about trips, shops and restaurants. What can and cannot be done
Update: contagion from March 5
Francesco Acquaroli, president of the Marches, first of all, how is the period of isolation going?
“Not very well, I’m isolated and connected. I hope to get out next week.”
Are you satisfied with the return to the yellow band?
“Of course, but the effects of the past three weeks in the orange zone have been devastating for thousands of companies. I keep getting messages from desperate traders. The consequences of Covid should come first, but immediately afterwards there is the economic part.”
Have you produced some figures to understand what we are talking about?
“Not that, but you understand that the disruptive effects will be seen next spring. A region like ours cannot afford to lose quotas, the protection for the productive sectors must be maximum. And I’ll tell you something else …”.
Tell me.
“The contagion curve of the Marches was constantly slowing down when we were in the yellow band, the latest findings spoke of a Rt of 0.74. It was absolutely possible to avoid that ordinance that produced the catastrophe for many industrialists, merchants and artisans ”.
Gimbe coronavirus: Rt and hospitalizations in Emilia Romagna and Marche
How would you have behaved?
“It would have had more common sense and more logic. I would have liked more dialogue with the central institutions instead of thinking with an algorithm ”.
In particular, what measures should therefore be taken in your opinion?
“Analyze the situation well and, as far as possible, keep the economic fabric active. Limits could be set on weekends, perhaps, when the risk of social gatherings is higher, but bars, restaurants, gyms and everything else had to be given the chance to stay open. This continuous closing and opening, an alienating swing. “
So, in general, the government also disputes the measures taken in view of the Christmas holidays?
“Aligning everything and everyone in the same document, without leaving freedom of action to the peripheries, in my opinion is wrong. Take for example the question of moving from one region to another and from one municipality to another, according to you Bolognola and all the magnificent towns of the Can we compare our interior with Rome? Travel between small towns cannot be compared to an ‘exodus’ that must be avoided. “
Justifying the measures taken, the government says it is concerned about the contagion line, don’t you think?
“God forbid, on a scale of priorities the containment of the pandemic must always be at the top of our thoughts. Avoid new positives with repercussions on the health system and the hospital system, already under pressure, and especially new deaths It would have given more confidence to the Marche region “”.
Not everyone behaved reasonably last summer, commercial operators and citizens, do you agree?
“So for a few dishonest people should everyone else pay? The government thinks of real snacks.”
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