
The whole world is eager for Diego Armando Maradona. First the news of the hospitalization in a clinic in La Plata then, in the afternoon, the news of the emergency transfer to Buenos Aires where the former golden boy will be operated on in the brain for the extirpation of a subdural hematoma that emerged during the controls . He was submitted to the Ipensa clinic in La Plata. “Diego is lucid and very calm – said his personal doctor Leopoldo Luque, speaking with journalists -. This is a routine operation and he agrees to be operated on. I will perform the surgery myself, “the neurosurgeon’s words.
Who is Leopoldo Luque, Diego Maradona’s personal doctor who will be in charge of the operation for the subdural hematoma https://t.co/f4oTaypFGt
– Clarín (@clarincom) November 3, 2020
ALSO READ Maradona, his doctor: “Emotional stress came to the hospital with legs”
The bruise, it was learned, is located on the left side of Maradona’s head and would have formed after an accidental fall at home, to which the former footballer himself did not initially give importance. The hospitalization late last night at the La Plata clinic of the current Gymnastics technician had made people fear the worst: that he had tested positive for Covid-19. But in the morning the coronavirus was ruled out. A precautionary hospitalization, sought by Dr. Luque precisely because “for Diego – the doctor’s words – it was an absolutely special week, very stressful: he had all the pressure on him and in the end he suffered an emotional decline. We’ll see how long you’ve been in the hospital, but you can get up and go if you want. But I think he would do well to stay at the clinic for a few more days, he’s anemic and dehydrated. And indeed, the controls highlighted a different problem, namely the bruise that will be removed in a few hours.
READ ALSO Maradona, 60 years old today: two lives lived in excess
– Official SSC Napoli (@sscnapoliES) November 3, 2020
The news immediately went around the world and through social networks there are innumerable incitements to “ten”, starting with Napoli, who published a photo of the Argentine with Insigne with the message “Diego force” on their social profiles. . Maradona just turned 60 last Friday. A birthday greeted by the testimonies of the world of football but lived by Maradona far from the most beloved affections precisely because of the emergency of the coronavirus, which would have accentuated the depressive state of the former captain of Naples and Argentina, as confirmed by the same personal doctor. “His 60th birthday may have complicated things for him,” added Dr. Luque. If from a psychological point of view things are not going well, there may also be repercussions on the physical. Past addictions have nothing to do with it and fortunately not even Covid “. Daughter Dalma’s tweet was hard:” The important thing is that she is fine. And because of the leeches she has on her, it is better that nothing happens to her.
It is not the first time that Maradona has found himself in a hospital bed. In the past, he was suspended between life and death for having abused drugs, but not only: for having paid the consequences of a lifestyle that was not in line with the recommendations of doctors. Diego is currently very weak, but not in danger of life, however the dark evil that has also weakened him physically, with repercussions on his mood and nutrition, has proven him. Diego also risked another addiction: alcohol. Now another challenge. The world is always waiting for you.
Last update: November 4 at 00:53