“Many requests for tampons from children, the times to do them are getting longer: a reorganization is needed”


MACERATA – Pediatrician Costantino Gobbi explains the situation: “At the first symptom attributable to Covid, the child is sent home and must be examined. But the requests we make are many and the wait has already reached a week”

Costantino Gobbi

Buffers for children, “there are problems because times get longer due to many requests.” For those who go to school, it is expected that at the first symptom (such as fever above 37.5, cough, sore throat) that can be related to Covid, they should stay home and be subjected to the swab. A situation that in recent weeks is challenging pediatricians a lot. We contacted one of them, Costantino Gobbi, from Macerata, national treasurer of the Italian Federation of Pediatricians, to get an overview of the situation. The point is precisely that of the symptoms. “There is a kind of guideline, from the Higher Institute of Health, the Ministry of Health, Miur and Inail with the aim of opening schools safely,” explains Gobbi-, so as not to let viruses enter. They said: When a child has only one of the symptoms associated with Covid, such as temperatures above 37.5, runny or stuffy nose, cough, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, headache and sore throat, the teacher has to send him home. and the pediatrician must be informed. At this point, “the pediatrician quickly requests the swab.” So far everything is fine, but problems arise in the next steps. “Pediatricians in the Covid months practically never asked for tampons – said Gobbi – but now we ask for many every day, to try to keep the school free of Covid”. Buffers that are on paper “are requested, are made immediately and the results are known within 48 hours. If it is negative, the child is visited by the pediatrician, if it is positive by the Usca »explains Gobbi. But “whoever has to do the swab is invaded by our requests and has difficulty carrying them out,” the pediatrician explains. There begins to be a week of waiting from when I ask for the swab and when it is continued. And the situation is bound to get worse because as the season progresses, children will get sicker and sicker from the classic ills of the season. A problem that is also for parents “because a young child cannot stay home alone, he cannot stay with his grandparents. Therefore, a parent has to stay with the child for a week, more days to get the test result. According to the pediatrician “we have to organize ourselves to be able to speed up the execution of the swabs.” In the province of Macerata, a case was registered in recent days at the da Vinci institute in Civitanova. The episode concerns a high school student.

(Gian. Gin.)

Covid, positive at the da Vinci institute: class and teachers in quarantine “We are calm, we follow the protocols”