as well Emmanuel macron positive, and not asymptomatic, to the coronavirus: the news has rained today, Thursday, December 17. As a precaution, also the French Prime Minister Jean castex underwent a PCR test. But not only. According to Marco Antonellis on affaritaliani.itAfter the news of the positivity of the rooster, panic would prevail in all the European Chancelleries. Yes, because after the news of the contagion of the Elysee tenant, all European prime ministers and prime ministers would be inclined to put themselves in voluntary precautionary self-termination. Yes, because all the leaders met with Macron during the EU summit last week. And, looking at the affairs of our home, one wonders: now what will Giuseppe Conte, caught by the news while traveling to Libya for the release of the fishermen? Will it isolate itself? And most importantly, you will keep the meeting scheduled with Matteo renzi by 19 or the decisive head-to-head will slip for the umpteenth time?