many exchange it with the X Series, peak of purchases on Amazon


What happened recently in Amazon USA is making many smile, especially the lucky users who have managed to get a Xbox Series X.

In fact, a mysterious one has been registered in the last few hours. Xbox One X sales increase equal to 727%. Such a marked sales boom precisely in conjunction with the start of pre-orders for the two next-generation Microsoft consoles can only be the result of a massive mistake made by users who are not really experts in the field of online shopping, who have the purchase of the current generation console exchanging it for the powerful Xbox Series X as of November 10, 2020.

Unless all of these orders are a direct consequence of Microsoft’s acquisition of Bethesda, the online giant is likely on the verge of receiving a large number of return requests from users who will come across a One X. the following days.

We remind you that Xbox Series X has already finished in Amazon Italy, where it is now possible to exclusively reserve Xbox Series S and some accessories, including the new Shock Blue controller.
