
Thousands of people attend the funeral of Willy Monteiro Duarte a Paliano, Frosinone. The prefect had limited the capacity of the sports field in the country southeast of the capital to 1,300 people. Since 7 in the morning there was already a queue to enter the field, many could not enter and stayed outside. Many wear a white t-shirt. Even the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, also present in Colleferro, wears a white T-shirt to respect the attractiveness of the family and friends of the 21-year-old who was beaten to death a week ago. Also present was the president of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti, and the Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese, also dressed in white, the color that the boy’s family wanted for this day (it is the color of mourning in Cape Verdean tradition). “Now we just have to make the family feel the closeness of everyone and demand justice soon. The Region will pay and support the family for legal expenses and one of the hotel establishments in our region will be dedicated to Willy’s name, “said Zingaretti. The mayors of Paliano, Artena and the surrounding area also attended the ceremony. The Palianese Provincial Highway it was a snake of cars and buses all morning, many organized by the Cape Verdean community in Rome. Many boys arrived on the Cotral buses. “I had to be there”, a boy from Colleferro who gets in line with friends to enter the sports field of the country.
Coffin greeted by long applause
“My hope is that justice will be served soon and that everyone’s responsibilities will soon be clarified. My call to testify has been heard and witnesses have been added,” said the mayor of Colleferro, Pierluigi Sanna. The coffin arrived at the sports field around 10 in the morning, the scheduled time for the start of the funeral. The boy’s coffin was greeted with long applause.
The bishop: “There is no greater love than this: to lay down one’s life for friends”
These are the words spoken by the Bishop of Tivoli and Palestrina, Monsignor Parmeggiani, who recalled a passage from the Gospel of John: “There is no greater love than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” According to the bishop, “it is necessary to remain silent before the mystery of the death of a young man. Let us pray for this young man who leaves us a great teaching. A teaching that I would like to have spent these days full of emotional involvement, of just compassion for Willy and his La family, out of disdain for those who have made an inhuman gesture, falls into oblivion as often happens and stops before a plaque, commemorative monument, the title of a football tournament or something like that ”.
Flags at half-staff in all Lazio City Council offices
As a sign of condolences and mourning for the tragedy that occurred in Colleferro, President Mauro Buschini has arranged for flags to be displayed at half-mast in all the offices of the Lazio Regional Council.
Conte: “Today here is all of Italy”
“Today I am here to represent the Government, but today all of Italy is here, who loves this humble and hardworking family. We have all followed this story of brutal violence, we cannot underestimate it or minimize it, absolutely not. We cannot downgrade it to a single episode We must look at ourselves and be fully aware that there are some margins, some fragile social centers of the population, that cultivate the mythology of violence and oppression “, declared President Conte.
(Alessandro Coltrè collaborated)
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