Reggio Emilia, November 11, 2020 – Paw printin the vegetarian and vegan restaurant for ten days Mangiamore, in piazza Fontanesi, It’s closed, no takeout or home delivery. The reasons, explained in a long letter taped to the door local, all refer to a unique concept and today more important than ever: that responsibility. “Not being able to prepare dinner – explains the owner, Luca Ferri – I found myself having to choose which of my boys could work and who should stay home. After a week at full capacity, we looked into each other’s eyes, sat at a table, and talked about it. I explained my motivations and although someone, at the beginning, wanted to continue working anyway, they all understood and shared them ”.
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The the choice was between investing in clients and therefore keeping them open, or in staff, closing and cutting costs variables. “I want to say it right away: I don’t want to judge or criticize those who have made decisions other than mine,” Ferri begins. Besides, I can allow myself, let’s say, to make a ‘lucky’ reasoning because I have a small business, there are eight of us. ” The big picture, in fact, it can be said that Mangiamore is a fairly isolated case so far, the so-called ‘whitefly’.
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“Instead of staying the course to invoice the billable – throw the sums Luca – we prefer to sit on the bench. At this point everyone must do their part. “Not surprisingly, in the letter, Mangiamore staff draws attention to responsibility individual of all, including customers, asking that the maximum attention be paid and that the sacrifice does not come to weigh only on the shoulders of commercial activities. The fact is that the closing at 6:00 p.m. M. Was easily “skipped”, shifting the focus to lunches and / or weekends.
“It is often impossible to enforce anti-contagion rules – admits the owner -. The last week of work I also spoke with some clients. Take any Saturday for lunch as an example, which here in Piazza Fontanesi is full of people because there is also a market. I repeat, the last thing I want is to be a moralist, but I myself am a father: I am seeing with my own eyes the precious good that is school in presence. Mangiamore has always been a place of conviviality and we have always liked it that way, but now we have to become aware of what is happening. ”“ I am also young and I would very much like to do, as they say, ‘hut’ – close – but no I can avoid thinking that it is risky, as well as inconsistent with the period we are going through ”.
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