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ServiceCHANGES to the budget law

This is the full extent of the superbonus until the end of 2022. Excise duties increase only on heated tobacco and e-cigarettes

by Marco Mobili and Marco Rogari

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(JackF –

This is the full extent of the superbonus until the end of 2022. Excise duties increase only on heated tobacco and e-cigarettes

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A new postponement of the sugar tax from July 1, 2021 to January 1, 2022. And the cessation of VAT on vaccines, tests and anti-covid swabs, with the right to tax deduction. As we continue to negotiate on the superbonus, with the attempt to reach a “full” extension for all of 2022, the package of amendments to the maneuver on which the majority and the opposition have been working throughout the day on Friday, in a triangle with the technicians of the Ministry of Economy, to reach a final formulation to be put to a vote. But not before Saturday, given that the non-stop announcement of the House Budget Committee has been postponed for another 24 hours. The objective is still to conclude the examination of the text at night, but as the hours go by, the possibility of an overshooting on Sunday increases, putting the text in the Room on Monday at risk.

The adjustments that have moved one step away from the final version range from the announced one-year extension of the car voucher for the purchase of ecological vehicles (with the addition of a six-month incentive for € 6 vehicles) to support for the tourism sector, starting with the exemption of the first payment Imu 2021 for hotels, tourist centers and nightclubs, and those of VAT numbers. Starting with the Cig for the self-employed of the INPS of separate management and the fund of almost one billion for the de-listing.


Among the novelties is the “digitization kit” that will allow those who live in families with an ISEE income of less than 20 thousand euros to have a mobile phone “on loan for use” connected to the Internet for a year, including the Subscription to two “press organs” and the Io app: only one of the family members should benefit. Another amendment also provides for a 10% VAT reduction for take-out food, the so-called take-out, which is delivered to your home. It is also expected that in 2021 50 million will be allocated to private schools that serve students with disabilities. With respect to what has emerged in recent days, the extension of the license for parents from 7 to 10 days is confirmed as well as the 50 million dowry to support the reconciliation of work times and care of mothers upon return from childbirth . The list of reformulated amendments that will be put to a vote also includes vouchers of 500 euros per month in favor of working mothers for the purchase of babysitting services and for the expenses of childcare and a 100% contribution bonus for hiring. , to replace a worker on maternity leave, with a subordinate work contract of a fixed duration.

The tobacco grip extends to electronic cigarettes only without touching the traditional ones and for heated tobacco the increase in the excise tax will increase by 5 percentage points per year, going from the current 25% to 40% in 2023. Two months of stoppage for the payment of withholdings, VAT, taxes and contributions for professional and amateur sports associations and associations. And also the reopening of the terms of revaluation of land and equity investments in unlisted companies, paying a substitute tax of 11 percent. At the end of February the possibility for so-called “fragile workers” to remain in smart work was expanded. Another 100 million come from the fund for the reduction of residential rents in municipalities with “high housing tension.”

There is no shortage of corrections on which the investigation has been more complex to reach an agreement in the government and between the majority and the opposition. This is the case of the 500 million allocated for 2021 in the aviation sector to compensate the damages suffered by airport operators (450 million) and groundhandling service providers (50 million). Another 145 million is proposed for the refinancing of the revolving fund of Mediocredito centrale for support, for companies dedicated to export and for the promotion of tourism from abroad, while the fund for the damages caused by the floods of 2019 is 100 million . and 2020. It nurtured the “fan” of amendments that impact the organization of the PA, including the one that aims to reduce the use of paper in public offices by at least 70% in 3 years.
