the government It is willing to intensify aid in favor of productive activities affected by the pandemic, extending refreshments to the self-employed and other activities, including clothing. Giuseppe Contemeanwhile, he called unions for Monday to illustrate the maneuver, in whose drafts circulated yesterday, are appearing maxi increases by medici me nurses at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19.
As for soft drinks, if with the first two decrees of 8 billion the objective was above all to support those who close shops in the red zones, this time the intervention refers to the supply chain. That is, the suppliers of the companies affected by the restrictions. On the plaque of the Ristori-ter decree, which should be approved by Palazzo Chigi in early December, there are almost 2 billion. Money that will go especially to the pockets of the activities that gravitate in the world of restoration and clothing.
«We are working – explains Vincenzo Presutto, rapporteur of the decree – to attend to all those components of the economic fabric that, even indirectly, are suffering repercussions. We are thinking of a supply chain logic to make aid flow also to those sectors that mainly work with activities subject to closure. The aid, following the scheme of the two previous measures, will be non-refundable (maximum limit set at € 150,000) and proportional to the decrease in business volume.
Maneuver worth 38 billion: layoffs are frozen as of March 31, provisioning node for red areas
Taxes, amnesty on tax bills: except for those who lost their fees due to the crisis
Meanwhile, the 2021 budget maneuver, which will weigh 37.9 billion, is finally ready. The first draft circulated yesterday (243 articles, divided into 21 chapters) covers from taxation to investments, through health, from work and family to the Recovery Fund. One of the most important novelties, at the time of Covid, is the increase in funds to increase the salaries of doctors and nurses in public health. It is expected that 835 million annually will increase the exclusive allocation of medical, veterinary and health management by 27% (500 million) and a specific nursing allocation (335 million) will be recognized. And to support the battle against the pandemic, the creation of an ad hoc Covid Fund (4,000 million in 2021) has been confirmed “to allow the timely adjustment of measures to support productive activities.” The work package has been fed: the layoffs freeze reaches until March 31, 2021, while in an expansive key there is a 100% exemption from listing, for a maximum of 36 months and for a maximum amount of 6 thousand euros, for hiring people under 35 years of age.
Refinanced, for the period 2021-2029, the Basic income. Taxes: an ad hoc fund of 4,000 million is created in the 2022-2023 biennium to implement the tax reform. The introduction of the tax on plastic and sugar was postponed from January to July next year and the tax on money transfers was repealed. Family: 3,000 million more are allocated for the single allocation in 2021 and 5,500 million from 2022. The bonus per baby, that is, the allocation of about a thousand euros for each child, has been confirmed for 2021 (on the plate 720 million ) born or adopted. The 7-day paternity leave has also been extended. Pensions: the government complied with the ruling of the Consultation by reducing from 5 to 3 years the period in which the so-called gold checks of more than 130 thousand euros are cut. Construction: extension of bonuses for energy requalification, micro-cogeneration systems, recovery of building stock, purchase of furniture and large appliances. Ok also for the facial bonus and the so-called green bonus. Mobility: 100 million to refinance bike voucher.
Covid Veneto, bulletin: 3,605 new infections. Luca Zaia: “There is no happy hour at noon.” Ordinance
On the emergency “I ask all Venetians to grit their teeth, to respect the new restrictions. The sense of yesterday’s ordinance is not to find the way out to have happy hour at noon.”
Last update: 23:36