Maneuver of 38 billion, in the draft 4 billion in the tax and 8.5 to the family


MILAN – Two hundred and forty-three articles, some of which are present only in draft column form, for the maxi-maneuver for 2021 that the government is preparing to send to the Chamber, days after the Council of Ministers that on October 18 approved the document. “subject to agreements”.

The value of the interventions reaches 37.9 billion. The main items include the renewal of the Cig for more than 5 billion and the new anti-Covid fund of 4 billion. Among the most important measures from the financial point of view is also one of the innovations that will arrive in 2021, namely the introduction of the single control for approximately 3.

In the draft that could be visualized, the first intervention (still “in verification”) is dedicated to the fund for the Tax Reform that are allocated 2.5 billion in 2022 and 1.5 billion from 2023. In the same article, there is an increase of 3 billion for 2021 and 5.5 billion from 2022 onwards. Universal subsidy fund and family services established in the last Budget Law to “implement interventions in the field of family support and improvement aimed at reorganizing and systematizing support policies for families with children.”

The text contains some interventions on the job, such as the suspension of contributions for three years for the hiring of young people up to 35 years (within € 6,000) or for 4 years in Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Basilicata, Sicily, Puglia, Calabria and Sardinia. The tax credit for investments in the South has also been extended until December 31, 2021. The entry into operation of the bonus 100 euro (which has extended the so-called Renzi bond since July) as of 2021. In contrast, the tax credit for theadaptation of work environments can be used from January 1 to June 30, 2021 and no more until December 31, 2021 – related spending is reduced by 1 billion.

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To refinance another twelve weeks of layoffs 5.3 billion reach companies in crisis due to the emergency. The twelve weeks must be placed between January 1, 2021 and March 31, 2021 for ordinary redundancy benefits and between January 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021 for the Cig in repeal. Private employers, with the exception of the agricultural sector, that do not require the cig are granted exemption from paying social security contributions at their expense for an additional maximum period of eight usable weeks before March 31, 2021.

In the section of pensions there is space for the extensions of the Option Woman and Ape sociale. Then the recent ruling of the Council is implemented that limits the tax on gold pensions to three years, from the previous five.

The text foresees an endowment of 340 million euros for the year 2021 and 400 million euros for the year 2022 for thechildbirth allowance and the extension to 2021 of the seven days of paternity.

In the text there are 20 million for 2021 and 2022 by Fund for female entrepreneurship which – read the illustrative report of the draft that we have seen – “foresees the financing of initiatives and entrepreneurial actions to promote the values ​​of entrepreneurship among the female population. The data – at national and international level – indicate, in fact, that they are still very few women who choose to create a business, start a business, conduct scientific studies. ” Also in the Mise there is a fund – with the same endowment – for “companies creative“.

Article 29 intervenes on the guarantees in support of liquidity provided for the Covid emergency. Following the extension of the derogation regime to the European framework on state aid, the so-called Italy warranty and, the report explains, “the issuance of guarantees is also allowed in relation to loans intended in part for the renegotiation / consolidation of existing loans” allowing companies affected by the epidemic “to be able to use the Italy Guarantee instrument also to renegotiate / consolidate existing debts provided that the loan provides for the disbursement of additional credit in an amount of at least 25 percent of the loan amount subject to renegotiation and provided that the issuance of the guarantee is adequate to determine a lower cost and / or a higher duration of financing versus that subject to renegotiation “. The guarantees extend “to the transfer of credit without recourse” to “anticipate and secure the cash flows related to the commercial transaction by adopting a flexible approach that adapts to the dynamics of the turnover, without overloading the financial statements. of the transferor company with more financial debt “. For him Guarantee fund for SMEs comes a refinancing of 500 million in 2022 and one billion in 2023: the moratorium for micro and SMEs has also been extended at the end of June 2021.

In the banking field, the advances are confirmed by the fact that the benefits received by non-commercial non-profit entities – Foundations – that carry out activities of general interest “do not contribute to the formation of taxable income by 50 percent. current year as of January 1, 2021 “. In recent months, the banking world had received numerous requests for tax reductions on banking foundations, who derive a large portion of their dividend income from their equity stake in banks. Always connected to the banking world, in particular to Mps, which is not mentioned directly, a tax incentive is foreseen for aggregation operations corporate.

In the health emergency chapter, four billion in 2021 to finance the anti Covid measuresIn fact, the establishment of an ad hoc fund is confirmed to “allow the timely adaptation” of the interventions “to support productive activities”. “The Fund is divided – read – with one or more decrees of the President of the Council of Ministers, at the proposal of the Minister of Economy, in agreement with the Ministers concerned for the refinancing for the year 2021 of measures of economic and financial support already adopted in 2020 to deal with the economic consequences arising from the emergency “.

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by Roberto Petrini

Among the extensions of the construction interventions, with a view to 2021 with withholdings for energy redevelopment, building renovation and for the purchase of low-consumption furniture and large appliances intended to furnish the restored property, as well as the so-called ‘facade bonus”.

More funds to increase salaries of doctors and nurses public health: in the draft of the maneuver, a total of 835 million per year is foreseen to increase the exclusive compensation for medical, veterinary and health management by 27% (500 million) and recognize a specific nursing allocation (335 million). Thus, the National Health Fund amounts to 121,370 million that will also be used to provide greater resources for tampons to general practitioners (70 million) and to increase specialization contracts (105 million more in 2021 and 22 and 109.2 in 2023 to 2025).

Among other interventions, 150 million arrive this year to finance the school transportation, with reference to the containment measures of the Covid pandemic. New resources also for the Sustainable mobility, which guarantee – as promised by the Ministry of the Environment after the click day of recent days – the reimbursement of purchases of bicycles, scooters & Cía. even those who have been disconnected from the bonus race. In reality, the intervention is twofold. The first part of the article actually allocates 20 million a year in 2021-23 and then 30 million from 2024 to 2026 for incentives for the purchase of scrapped electric scooters. As for the real bicycle bonus, the additional endowment is 100 million from the Environment budget and, in particular, from the green auctions.
