Maneuver, majority agreement on anti-Covid aid, buffers and folders


Italia Viva, for its part, insists on stopping the tax on plastic and sugar because “it would not make sense” at a time like this to introduce “new taxes”. In fact, the two measures have been considerably reduced compared to the original projects and are worth a few hundred million. But the point is still “decisive”, repeat the Renzianos: “either they are taken away or we will not vote for the dpb.”

The 5 Stars, on the other hand, collect the solution in the folders, although they pressed like Iv for the extension of the moratorium, and will have to settle for the suspension of the executive procedures until the end of the year. But they also ask for a “substantial” anti-Covid fund, which remains available during the coming months in case of new emergencies, and which is used, as explained by the Deputy Minister of Economy, Laura Castelli, “to protect the productive sectors and for costs toilets that will be necessary “.

However, the hypotheses of new closures to contain the virus and the impact on sectors that are already on their knees due to the crisis are worrying. Hotels, tourism sector, bars, restaurants, entertainment, are at the top of the list of the most affected and for them, but also for artisans and merchants, along with buffers and diets, a new non-refundable intervention is emerging, in line with that disbursed in the summer by the Tax Agency, with a dowry of 3 billion.

Also 3,000 million will be the funds that will be allocated with the maneuver for the single allocation, and that will be added to the reorganization of the current subsidies for the family: the new universal allowance for children, is the agreement, will start from July 1 When fully operational, it will be financed with an additional 6 billion. Everyone also agrees on structural coverage (around 2 billion needed) to reduce the tax wedge on the paycheck as well
for incomes between 28,000 and 40,000 euros, as well as for the stabilization of the 30% cut in contributions for employees of companies in the South, which will accompany a new layoff plan for the permanent hiring of young people and women.

On the buffers, on the other hand, there will be a scheme in two acts: immediately a decree law to give coverage to those who run out of Covid cash already from mid-November. Then, in the Budget Law, another 18 weeks should be foreseen, to be used in 2021, which can also be requested by companies that have not used the emergency buffers so far, and which will be applied with the current mechanism, which provides the free tool. for companies that have registered losses of more than 20%. The solution was illustrated by the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, and the Minister of Labor, Nunzia Catalfo, in a long meeting with the unions. A new appointment is scheduled for Wednesday.

Unions: expanding the Covid fund is good, but not enough The extension of the Covid fund until the end of the year is “a positive development”, but according to Cgil, Cisl and Uil “it is not enough”. The unions ask that “while this extraordinary condition of health crisis lasts,” as well as “support for companies and the economy,” there is also “the expansion of the Covid fund and the blocking of layoffs and protections.”
