Maneuver, for freelancers and CIF with VAT up to 800 euros


Servicepublic accounts

An exemption from contribution is also foreseen for the 300 thousand of the separate management of the INPS. Income support for six months, experimental for the three-year period 2021-2023

by Marco Rogari and Claudio Tucci

In 8 months, the hiring fell by 35%. Catalfo: “Another cigarette if necessary”

An exemption from contribution is also foreseen for the 300 thousand of the separate management of the INPS. Income support for six months, experimental for the three-year period 2021-2023

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A first buffer for the 300,000 self-employed separately managed by the INPS and a kind of “white year” of exemption from minimum contributions for all cistas and professionals, both responsible and not, most affected by the pandemic.
With the latest reformulations, the package of adjustments of the “support” for self-employment that will be included in the maneuver that the Chamber is examining is refined. Changes promoted by the majority but in fact shared with Lega and Forza Italia, which had included the motley world of VAT numbers among the priorities to be addressed with the 2021 budget law.

Monetary support for six months

The new CIG for CIF registered in the separate management is called “Iscro”, “Extraordinary compensation for income and operational continuity”. The measure, experimental for the triennium 2021-2023, was supported from the first minute by Chiara Gribaudo (Pd), and in the version revised at the last minute of Thursday the 17th by the Mef it provides for monetary support for six months, ranging from minimum of 250 euros up to a maximum of 800 euros per month.


To access it, it is necessary to have produced an income, in the year prior to the application, that is less than 50% of the average self-employment income achieved in the previous three years; have declared an income not exceeding 8,145 euros; be up to date with contributions and have the VAT number open for at least 4 years. To finance the intervention, an additional rate increase of 0.26 percentage points is expected in 2021, which amounts to 0.51 points for each of the years 2022 and 2023. The benefit is not cumulative with the income of citizens and it can be requested only once in a three-year period. Its provision is accompanied by participation in professional refresher courses. “A first sign of attention to self-employment – says Tania Scacchetti (CGIL) – which brings together support for income and active policies.”

Partial exemption from social security contributions

Again with the aim of creating a network of protections for VAT numbers and professionals damaged by the pandemic crisis, another amendment was prepared which, as anticipated by the Sole 24 Ore, aims to create a fund with a dowry of almost one billion in 2021 finance the partial exemption from payment of social security contributions by the “autonomous” members of the Inps social security management and members of private funds.

In the current version of the corrective, which should be submitted to a vote in the House Budget Committee between Friday and Saturday, only the self-employed and self-employed will benefit from the white year with compensation and income of up to 50 thousand euros gross and with a decrease . in 2020 of the turnover or commissions of not less than 33% compared to 2019.
