First Giuseppe Conte opens up to Forza Italia: “Yes to dialogue,” he says. But he affirms immediately afterwards: “The perimeter of the government remains unaltered.” Shortly before he had been the undersecretary dem Andrea Orlando to reach the forces of force (“We will carefully evaluate the proposals made today by Forza Italia”) commenting on the statements of Silvio Berlusconi regarding the vote on the maneuver. “We welcome the affirmation of a principle present in the words of Berlusconi today – Orlando stressed – the first right to affirm and defend is that of health. In the name of this, dialogue must develop, as we have always hoped, in the Constructive parliament between all political forces, putting an end to sterile and inconclusive controversies. “
The leader of Forza Italia at the press conference had drawn the party line regarding the budget law (the decree law was signed today by the Head of State Sergio Mattarella and the government presented it to the Chamber). Il Cavaliere had made it clear that Fi, while remaining in opposition with the rest of the center-right, would have collaborated with the majority to approve the Conte government’s move.
Conte: “Table of confrontation with the opposition”
Palazzo Chigi fountains inAnsa explain that “it is not true that Conte afraid or obstructs dialogue with the opposition. He has already declared publicly, at the official seat of Parliament, that a discussion table with the opposition remains open. ”As Forza Italia announced, it is noted, the possibility of dialogue on the contents of the economic maneuver and on the diversion is explored. This heralds new support measures, certainly not in a reorganization of the perimeter of the forces that support the Government, the Prime Minister reiterates to his followers. The majority is firm, Conte thought, but if an opposition force, Given the difficulties the country is going through, wants to offer a constructive contribution for the good of the country, it would be unreasonable not to dialogue.
Berlusconi: “We welcome Mattarella’s call. But Fi remains in opposition.”
by Carmelo Lopapa
M5S: “No to Berlusconi to the government”
But the Vice Minister of Economic Development, the 5Stelle Stefano Buffagni, on Facebook warns: “Dialogue with the opposition in Parliament as requested by President Mattarella is essential for the cohesion of the country at such a difficult time. But Berlusconi in government with us does not exist.”
And Berlusconi announced in the afternoon: “Forza Italia is ready to evaluate the vote in favor of the budget variation and improve a minimalist, old and inadequate budget law with its proposals for Italy.” However, continues the Italian president, “before this we ask for effective responses to the health emergency, the economic emergency, the bureaucratic emergency.”
In recent days, both the secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, that the manager dem Goffredo Bettini, had highlighted the need to open, in Parliament, a constructive dialogue with the opposition for the good of the country. A message also strongly reiterated by the President of the Republic in his speech yesterday at the ANCI assembly.
Meanwhile, the Bureau of the House Budget Committee, which was to be held this afternoon, is postponed until tomorrow at 12. The postponement is also linked to the lack of transmission of the maneuver which, at this point, is expected between tonight and tomorrow morning. Among the issues to be addressed in the Bureau, also that of the rapporteurs of the provision. The budget variance will land in the Senate on November 25.