Rome, October 7, 2020 – Mask always with you, obligation to use it too outdoor (but not in any case). After yesterday’s postponement, the government meets today at Palazzo Chigi for the new Dpcm, for the containment of the coronavirus pandemic, And if there are two possible scenarios, one thing is certain: the mask, until now intended only for indoor public places, must always be in the portats, even when leaving the house. Meanwhile, the House has approved the majority resolution on the communications made by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, on the containment measures for Covid19. There were 253 votes in favor, three against.
Dpcm, the hypotheses
And at this point I am there are two hypotheses in the countryside. With the approval of the majority resolution, the most likely scenario is that the Government will now vary a Decree of law ‘framework’ that you extend it state of emergency as of January 31, 2021, approves the new Dpcm with all the measures announced by Speranza. Alternatively, the hypothesis that in theory loses participation, the executive could “ buy time ” by adopting a Dpcm ‘bridge’, which arrives on October 15 (deadline for the current state of emergency) and extends the current restrictions (which end today at midnight). Without prejudice to the decree to extend the state of exception, today certainty. Just as it is true that, in both hypotheses, the rule on the extension of the mandatory outer masks would still be included (and would probably be introduced from tomorrow).
New decree
Returning to the content, however, as Minister Speranza anticipated, the new decree will establish “the obligation to always have with you, outside your home protection devices individual, with the possibility of providing mandatory use even outdoors, when close to other people who don’t live togetherThis does not mean that for a run in the park it will be necessary to keep the mask. In fact, the norm excludes “those who are doing sports or physical activity”, in addition to “children under six years of age” and “people with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask”. In case of non-compliance, you will incur heavy fines: ” euro 400 one euro 1,000“, While for who has contracted Covid a criminal sanction would be issued “with thearrest from 3 to 18 months“as well as” with a fine of between 500 and 5,000 euros “.
Another novelty provided by the Dpcm will then be the obligation to tampons for those arriving from Great Britain, Holland, Belgium and the Czech Republic. And, to counter the coronavirus emergency, Regions “may decide more restrictive measures“than those issued by the government.
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