“Mandatory mask also for those who perform physical activity”


ROME – Even those who do motor activity outdoors you should wear a mask. The Ministry of the Interior writes it in a circular signed by the Chief of Staff Bruno Frattasi with which clarifications are provided to the prefects on the decree approved on October 7. The provision that provides for the use of the mask “exempts from the obligation of use only those that have sport activity and not the engine, not exempt, however, from the obligation in question“.

Travel to the park with a mask.

Those who choose to go jogging in the park will need to wear a mask. Motor activity, as defined by the Ministry of Health, is generic physical activity, or “any given movement of the musculoskeletal system which results in an energy expenditure greater than that of resting conditionsSport activity instead, everything is considered “includes structured competitive situations and subject to very specific rules“.

