Murder in the Marconi area of Rome, where a man died after being hit by a knife. A 43-year-old man was found dead in the Piazzale della Radio area.
The murder took place around 2:00 p.m. between September 14 and 15 in via Borghesana Lucchese. Calling several neighbors at 112 after hearing screams and commotion from the area between piazzale della Radio and viale Guglielmo Marconi.
Rescuers alerted a man, a 43-year-old Roman, there was nothing to do, he died after being hit with a knife. Once the death of the man was verified, the investigations of the carabinieri began immediately.
After acquiring some items, the soldiers of the Radio Mobile Nucleus of Rome, together with their colleagues from the Operational Nucleus of the Compagnia di Trastevere and the Carabinieri of the Porta Portese Station, located two men connected to the victim.
In particular, one of the two was found in a car near via Pacinotti while the other was on a nearby second street. The two were later taken to the barracks where they were overheard by weapon investigators.
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Both at the scene of the murder and in the car of one of the two men taken to the barracks, the Carabinieri of the Via Investigation Unit in Selci are carrying out reconnaissance.