
He thought that he had killed his prey and that the only thing left for him to do was walk through the forest to retrieve his hunting loot. But 66-year-old Mark David didn’t know that his arrow had only hit that one.I raised that he was willing to ambush him for death. It happened in the Trask Road forest in Tillamook County, Oregon. The man had gone hunting with a bow and arrow and, after a long walk, had spotted an elk: after shooting an arrow he was convinced that it had killed it, but he had not been able to identify the place where the animal had collapsed.
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A few hours later, he and a friend returned to the forest to retrieve what he imagined was his hunting loot. I couldn’t imagine thatI raised He was waiting for him in ambush, the arrow still stuck in his body, but still alive. When he saw Mark in the bushes, the animal charged him and drove its horns into his neck. The person who was with him tried to intervene, but Mark couldn’t do anything: he died at the scene waiting for rescuers.
L ‘I raised was killed and the meat was donated to the Tillamook County Jail. According to the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the bow moose hunting season runs from late August to late September, but care should be taken as it coincides with the season of love for the animal. Males are very aggressive and compete in long fights to impress potential partners.