Discussions continue on the last DPCM signed by Giuseppe Conte, with the confrontation that is all with the Municipalities regarding the possibility of closing streets and squares, which already Walter Ricciardi calls for further timely government interventions.
The esteemed doctor and adviser to the Ministry of Health since the coronavirus pandemic broke out, intervened during the transmission Agora invoking the immediate implementation of Mirati closure.
“I think some selective closings go get it now, you absolutely must not wait for Christmas – explained Ricciardi – because today maybe two weeks is enough but when you go further, it is no longer enough”.
For the doctor, if the timely and appropriate measures are taken at this time, we may have “a Christmas, I don’t mean normal, but almost normal“Since delaying could be a risk”of an exponential increase in the number of cases”.

Ricciardi calls for specific locks
Basically for Walter Ricciardi intervening now with specific locks, we would avoid “have to drink difficult decisions beyond“When it could be useful”more time“To remedy the situation.
“An epidemic is fought with the behavior and monitoring of people, but when 10,000-11,000 cases are exceeded and you can no longer track and then you have to contain – then added the consultant – In certain situations, the containment needed now is such that a lock must be performed, directed, but must be performed”.
Finally Ricciardi also expressed his concern about the situation of the public transport: “We have always said that in buses and metro the capacity should not exceed 50%, and instead then we renounce the 80 but on board it is one of the moments in which we are more in contact and even the use of the mask. others but not themselves”.