“Majority out of control …” The accident that makes Conte tremble


Nerves on the surface in the ranks of the majority, at the end of a day in which another free for all was consumed. The latest controversy arose after the failure of the 5 star movement on the opinion of the parliamentary committees on the planning contract for the Turin-Lyon high-speed line. The pentastellati did not participate in the vote in the Public Works Committee on the Tav contract project. “An inexorable decision – wrote the grillini senators in a note – given the gaps in this schematic on the numerical and legal front“.

The lunge of the M5

The speech of the M5s becomes increasingly racy. “Our position in the Turin-Lyon it is known, but the scheme is completely invitable. There is no clear forecast on the traffic on the route, on costs there are widespread opacities and abysses, without clarifying once and for all who pays what and for what amounts“Read the statement again.

But that’s not all, because the grillini stressed that, in the event of any dispute, “yesthe French authorities will define them “, creating one “inadmissible imbalance, which, as always, puts our country at the mercy of the moods of others“In addition, the M5 remarked.”l ‘obsolescence of a work that progresses at a snail’s pace, and that if all goes well it will only be fully operational in fifteen years, when it will be out of date and not in keeping with the times“.”Come M5s – the pentastelado senators concluded – we just made a common sense choice “.

A choice that, apparently, Italia Viva did not like at all. Matteo renzi it was very clear. “Sat high speed we do not rule out anyone. The only real attack on the government was carried out by the Five Star Movement by not voting at high speed. It is not us who conspire against the government, but those who say no at high speed are conspiring against Italy“concluded the former prime minister.

All against all

Just as the government should demonstrate its wisdom and lead Italy on the path to restart, here is a “irresponsible guerrilla warfare“among the majority parties, to use the words of Anna Maria Bernini, President of the Senators of Forza Italia. “I don’t know what signals the majority parties are sending out, but an irresponsible guerrilla war is taking place on the skin of the country.Bernini noted in a note.

Today in the Senate committee, the Five Star Movement has once again entrenched itself in the anti-Tav trench, and only the responsible – and decisive – vote of Forza Italia and Lega has prevented a international fool determined by the blocking of a strategic axis for EuropeBernini added.

In other words, if the provisional exercise is avoided due to government delays in the budget law “it will only be because of the sense of responsibility of the center-rightBut at this point, Bernini herself wondered, a question spontaneously arises: “How can one most In these conditions, lead the country towards recovery, and how will it use the European resources conditioned by the return to its origins in the face of the development of infrastructures?”.
