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Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Ministers Paola De Micheli and Roberto Speranza during the press conference on anti-Covid measures for the reopening of the 2020-2021 school year. Palazzo Chigi. Rome (Italy), September 9, 2020 (Photo by Massimo Di Vita / Massimo Di Vita Archive / Mondadori Portfolio via Getty Images)

The next day always has its consequences. Amid tensions and disputes, the latest decree of the Prime Minister was drawn up. Decree already denied by Italia Viva that asks to modify it, unleashing the ire of Nicola Zingaretti. “This time Giuseppe Conte is not as sure of himself as in the past,” says a minister from Gràcia who followed the negotiations within the majority. The fear is that another measure with even more restrictive measures will need to be taken very soon. The ground is slippery and above all uncertain, so the nerves are far from stable. The latest conflict within the government sees exchanges of accusations, almost in search of the culprit to whom to attribute responsibility for the second wave of Covid in the country.

The 5 Star Movement has found the scapegoat in the Ministry of Transportation. “Unfortunately, we have to point out that our country is forced to apply new restrictions also due to some sectors where little work has been done. Minister De Micheli has been minimizing for days, but public transport is still a problem to be addressed, ”wrote Senators grillini of the Public Works and Transport Commission.

And then again: “He talks about studies related to the safety of local public transport in an unclear way, but the truth is that on crowded platforms or train cars with hundreds of people without windows, safety cannot be guaranteed. The question is crucial. Regions and cities move differently, controls are almost non-existent everywhere, and gathering circumstances persist. Even this morning, dozens and dozens of reports of chaos came in during rush hour. “

The discourse is closely intertwined with the school. The leader of the group in the Chamber Davide Crippa in an interview with Fatto Quotidiano defended the work of Minister Lucía Azzolina so that the school is not sanctioned for transport that does not work properly. “Where is the extra public transport that should have reached the cities?” Ask Grillini MPs. Dal MIT has been arguing for days that buses have traveled in recent weeks with less than 80% passengers per day compared to full capacity, according to the protocol. But it is pointed out from within the government that this is a national average, which means that there is public transport collapsing and other buses are empty.

“We urgently need a table now”, write the M5 senators: “Last week we proposed to the minister to also use private operators, whenever possible, to strengthen the service. However, not a single word has come from MIT. “

In this context, Health Minister Roberto Speranza is also the target of Grillini’s discontent. Who should have supervised the Regions? The Ministry of Health ”, say the pentastellati. Today, according to data provided by Commissioner Domenico Arcuri, 1600 intensive care beds are missing, but in recent months individual regions have received the necessary ventilators. “Why is Speranza only realizing now?” Asks a minister.

The 5 Stars Movement also has it for the Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini: “It is good that you wake up. Apart from the holiday bonuses. And you will not have to think about Favino & co – we read in a chat revealed by AdnKronos – but about the world of theater itself. To the last “.” Think when they ask us to vote for you President of the Republic … “, jokes another parliamentarian.

And the irritation of Italia Viva could not be absent, in particular from the halls of the Ministry of Agriculture for the particularly shocking measures in the agri-food sector. Minister Teresa Bellanova would have raised the issue during Saturday’s meeting between the heads of delegation in a very heated confrontation with Speranza after having learned from the same minister that, in the opinion of the CTS, the closure of bars and restaurants at 18 it could provoke the spread of coexistence gatherings in homes far beyond the cohabitants. “As in the other points, it is also a downward mediation,” said Bellanova, who is now working to quantify the measures to support the agri-food sector.

Matteo Renzi also speaks closely, so the decree must be modified because “there is no need to close cinemas and theaters.” The attack is aimed at Minister Dario Franceschini, who publicly defended the provision, but many speak of a head of delegation of the PD angry because he wanted the restrictive measures to affect all sectors and not just his own in particular. That’s why he had a tough fight with Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora.

To the leader of Italia Viva, among others, the secretary dem Nicola Zingaretti replied that “it is not serious” to behave like this and his deputy Andrea Orlando: “I vividly remember the days when the ministers, after the Council of Ministers, went to the square to demonstrate against the government. ”Those days are beginning to loom again.
