the provincial rankings for substitutes are published at this time by the different school offices, but there are many candidates who are already complaining mistakes in the evaluation of qualifications and therefore in final scores.
Not only that, invented scores are attributed to those who in reality would not be entitled to them, but they reach the top of the ranking of substitutes in the province in which they applied.
In the different Facebook groups of aspiring teachers, there are protests about the errors found in the provincial rankings for the competing substitutes. The unions have already indicated it a few hours ago blunders of the Usp who are a little everywhere and question the Miur with a Press release he has just sent Minister Lucía Azzolina.
Errors in substitute rankings pose huge problems when filling vacant positions in schools as there are currently 50,000 teachers missing.
Provincial rankings for substitutes: mistakes and invented scores
In the recently released provincial alternate rankings, although many provinces are a bit slow, errors and fabricated scores have been found. The same general secretary of Maddalena Gissi Cisl School he has stated:
“They tell us about teachers who have been recognized for 15 years of service in support without having worked a single day with the disabled and about teachers who are in a French chair, a discipline they have never studied. Still a 22-year-old girl found 80 points only degrees, there are too many, it must have 2 degrees, 3 doctorates is not possible ”.
On Facebook, candidates and aspiring teachers complain about errors in the evaluation of their scores and mistakes in the ranking. In Lombardy, to give a striking example, the service was evaluated with 3,340 points which would be equivalent to 278 years of teaching.
The provincial rankings of substitutes thus published necessarily require a review and could lead to appeals that would further lengthen the time for assigning posts.
Provincial rankings of substitutes with errors: the response of the unions
And a few hours after the first publications of the provincial substitute rankings full of errors, the unions make their move with a press release sent to Miur led by the much discussed minister Azzolina.
The joint statement of FLC CGIL, CISL Scuola, UIL Scuola, SNALS Confsal and GILDA, Unams, a telegram sent to the Miur says:
After the publication of the gps and the finding of obvious errors in the scores, in order to allow schools the possibility of covering all places from the first day of classes, it is essential not to adopt any measure based on the new gps and consider that it is still in force current school rankings, providing immediate feedback to the U.S. SSR, in order to ensure a regular start to the school year. The national secretariats FLCCGIL CISLSCUOLA UILSCUOLA SNALS GILDA “
Therefore, it is requested that it be based on the current ranking of schools and not refer to the new GPS. A double joke for aspiring teachers, especially for new recruits also made up of recent graduates who wish to start a path in school. Appeals are just around the corner, as Gissi of the CISL had already foreseen:
“System anomalies, summary data errors, confusion after confusion. The GPS have not yet been published except in some provinces, but if there are similar cases in all territorial realities, the school will be invaded by appeals to the Judiciary and disputes that will compromise not only the beginning of the school year but all educational activities. “
Thus, in the general chaos of alternate rankings, we await the response and solution of Miur.